- Synthedit
SynthEdit est un logiciel permettant de créer des plugins VST en reliant des modules les uns aux autres.
Liens internes
- Max/MSP (environnement de création de son)
- Reaktor (environnement de création de son)
- PsyCollider
Liens externes
Portail de l’informatique
Portail de la musique
Catégorie : Logiciel de création musicale
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Synthedit de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
SynthEdit — is a shareware Windows application which uses a modular VPL (Visual Programming Language) to create music synthesizers and effects units. These can then be compiled as VST plug ins for use in audio applications.SynthEdit first released in 1999 by … Wikipedia
SynthEdit — est un logiciel permettant de créer des plugins VST en reliant des modules les uns aux autres. Liens internes Max/MSP (environnement de création de son) Reaktor (environnement de création de son) Usine (environnement traitement et création temps… … Wikipédia en Français
Reaktor — est un studio de musique virtuel, sous licence propriétaire, développé par Native Instruments et fonctionnant sous Mac OS X et Windows. Il permet aux musiciens et aux ingénieurs de construire leurs propres instruments et effets sonores. Il est… … Wikipédia en Français
Modular synthesizer — Sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waveforms The modular synthesizer is a type of synthesizer consisting of separate specialized modules connected by wires (patch cords) to create a so called patch. Every output generates a signal – an electric … Wikipedia
Virtual Studio Technology — Steinberg s Virtual Studio Technology (VST) is an interface for integrating software audio synthesizer and effect plugins with audio editors and hard disk recording systems. VST and similar technologies use Digital Signal Processing to simulate… … Wikipedia
Jeskola Buzz — Machine View Developer(s) Oskari Tammelin of Jeskola Operating sys … Wikipedia
Audio programming language — An audio programming language is a programming language specifically optimized for sound and music production or sound synthesis. Some of the languages below are optimized more for music composition, and some are optimized more for synthesis. For … Wikipedia
Modular software music studio — A modular software music studio consists of a plugin architecture that allows the audio to be routed from one plugin to another in many ways, similar to how cables carry an audio signal between physical pieces of hardware. All aspects of signal… … Wikipedia
SynthMaker — Infobox Software name = SynthMaker caption = developer = OutSim latest release version = 1.1 latest release date = April 23rd 2008 operating system = Windows genre = Audio plug in programming license = Proprietary website = [http://www.synthmaker … Wikipedia
Cubase — Entwickler Steinberg Media Technologies Aktuelle Version (20. April 2011) Betriebssyst … Deutsch Wikipedia