- Spivak
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak est née à Calcutta, en 1942. Après des études en langue anglaise en Inde, elle partit pour Cornell University, aux États-Unis, où elle étudia la littérature comparée. Elle fit une thèse sur William Butler Yeats, publiée en 1974. Elle a traduit De la grammatologie de Jacques Derrida et a mené une carrière de critique littéraire dans une veine post-structuraliste, mêlée à des théories déconstructivistes, marxistes, féministes et postcoloniales.
Principales publications
- Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography, 1985.
- In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics, 1987 (traduction française à paraître chez Payot).
- Can the Subaltern Speak? in Cary Nelson and Larry Grossberg, eds. Marxism and the interpretation of Culture. (Chicago : University of Illinois Press, 1988) p.271-313.
- Selected Subaltern Studies. Ed. with Ranajit Guha (Oxford : Oxford UP, 1988).
- The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues. Ed. Sarah Harasym. (London : Routledge, 1990).
- Thinking Academic Freedom in Gendered Post-Coloniality, 1993.
- A Critique of Post-Colonial Reason: Toward a History of the Vanishing Present (Harvard UP, 1999).
- Death of a Discipline, New York, Columbia University Press, 2003.
- Other Asia, 2005.
- L'Etat global (avec Judith Butler), Paris, Payot, 2007.
Liens externes
Portail de la littérature
Catégories : Critique littéraire indien | Théoricien de la littérature | Personnalité féminine indienne | Féministe indienne | Naissance en 1942 | Théoriciens du post-colonialisme
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Spivak de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Spivak — Spivak, meaning singer in Ukrainian, is a surname and may refer to:* Charlie Spivak (1905 or 1907 ndash; 1982), American trumpeter and bandleader * Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak(b. 1942), Indian literary critic and professor at Columbia University * … Wikipedia
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Spivak, Gayatri — ▪ Indian literary critic in full Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak born Feb. 24, 1942, Calcutta, India Indian literary theorist, feminist critic, postcolonial theorist, and professor of comparative literature noted for her personal brand of… … Universalium
Charlie Spivak — Spivak Charlie Spivak (17 February 1905 or 1907–1 March 1982) was an American trumpeter and bandleader, best known for his big band in the 1940s. Contents … Wikipedia
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak — Full name Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Born 1942 Calcutta, British India Era 20th century philosophy … Wikipedia
Sidney Spivak — (May 23, 1928 ndash; July 8, 2002) was a Manitoba politician. He was a Cabinet Minister in the governments of Dufferin Roblin, Walter Weir and Sterling Lyon, and was himself leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba from 1971 to… … Wikipedia