
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Skank de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • Skank — Samuel Rosa cantante y guitarrista en concierto Datos generales Origen Belo Horizonte …   Wikipedia Español

  • Skank — is a term of abuse for a person who may be repugnant for reasons of hygiene and/or promiscuity.Skank may also refer to:* Skank (dance), a form of dance related to ska, grime and hardcore punk * Skank (band), a Brazilian rock/pop/reggae/ska band * …   Wikipedia

  • skank — sb., en, e, ene, i sms. skanke , fx skankekød; slå skank (slå anklerne mod hinanden) …   Dansk ordbog

  • skank — [skæŋk] n [U] informal ↑heroin …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • skank — (n.) unattractive woman, 1965, perhaps from skag in this sense (1920s), of unknown origin. Meaning dance to reggae music is 1976, probably not the same word, but also of unknown origin …   Etymology dictionary

  • skänk — • nådegåva, fattigpeng, offergåva, skänk, skärv • gåva, present, skänk, donation • föräring, skänk, present • donation, gåva, legat, fond, skänk …   Svensk synonymlexikon

  • skank — 1. noun /skæŋk/ a) Any substance considered particularly foul, unhygienic or unpleasant Its also my job to take care of the skanks on the road that you bang. Tom Cruise in the movie Jerry McGuire. b) A …   Wiktionary

  • skank — AND scank [skserjk] 1. n. an ugly (young) woman. (Collegiate.) □ What a skank she is! Give her a comb or something. □ Look at her! Is she a skank or what? 2. in. to appear ugly. □ My face is skanking like mad. Must be the zits …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • skank — 1) Dirty, nasty looking woman haven t had a shower forever. Did you see the skank who just came in. The horror! The horror! 2) Undescribable ailment. I must have caught some sort of skank at school. I feel like hell …   Dictionary of american slang

  • skank — 1) Dirty, nasty looking woman haven t had a shower forever. Did you see the skank who just came in. The horror! The horror! 2) Undescribable ailment. I must have caught some sort of skank at school. I feel like hell …   Dictionary of american slang

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