Revenue Act
- Revenue Act
Le Revenue Act de 1934 est une loi du congrès des États-Unis entrée en vigueur dans le cadre de la politique de New Deal de Franklin D. Roosevelt en 1934, durant la Grande Dépression. Entre autres, la loi augmenta l'impôt sur le revenu pour les personnes aux revenus les plus élevés. La valeur maximale de cet impôt une fois les majorations appliquées pouvait ainsi atteindre 63% pour les revenus les plus élevés. Au niveau des entreprises, un impôt de 13,75% était imposé sur le revenu net des différentes firmes.
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Revenue Act — A number of tax related laws enacted by the United States Congress have been called the Revenue Act: * Revenue Act of 1766 * Revenue Act of 1861 * Revenue Act of 1862 * Revenue Act of 1894 * Revenue Act of 1913 * Revenue Act of 1916 * Revenue Act … Wikipedia
revenue act — noun or revenue law : a statute imposing a tax to defray the expenses of government; especially : a federal revenue act making a major change in existing tax law … Useful english dictionary
Revenue Act of 1971 — The United States Revenue Act of 1971 reinstated the investment tax credit, repealed the 7% automobile excise tax, and increased the minimum standard deduction from $1,000 to $1,300.Scheduled increases in the personal exemption amount and… … Wikipedia
Revenue Act of 1913 — The United States Revenue Act of 1913 also known as the Tariff Act, Underwood Tariff, or Underwood Simmons Act (ch. 16, USStat|38|116, October 3, 1913), re imposed the federal income tax following the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment and… … Wikipedia
Revenue Act of 1924 — The United States Revenue Act of 1924 (USStat|43|253) (June 2, 1924), also known as the Mellon tax bill cut federal tax rates and established the U.S. Board of Tax Appeals, which was later renamed the United States Tax Court in 1942. The bill was … Wikipedia
Revenue Act of 1864 — The Internal Revenue Act of 1864, 13 Stat. 223 (June 30, 1864), increased the income tax rates established by the Internal Revenue Act of 1862. The measure was signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln.ProvisionsSection 116 of the Act imposed… … Wikipedia
Revenue Act of 1942 — The United States Revenue Act of 1942 increased individual income tax rates, increased corporate tax rates (top rate rose from 31 % to 40 %), and reduced the personal exemption amount from $1,500 to $1,200 (married couples). The exemption amount… … Wikipedia
Revenue Act of 1928 — The Revenue Act of 1928 (May 29, 1928, ch. 852, 45 Stat. 791), formerly codified in part at 26 U.S.C. sec. 22(a), is a statute enacted by the 70th United States Congress in 1928 regarding tax policy.Section 605 of the Act provides that In case a… … Wikipedia
Revenue Act Of 1862 — This act increased taxes and implemented the first federal income tax in the United States. The Revenue Act of 1862 was passed by Congress in order to fund the American Civil War, and in the process also created the Bureau of Internal Revenue… … Investment dictionary
Revenue Act of 1766 — The Revenue Act 1766 (6 Geo. III ch. 52) was an act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain in response to objections raised to the Sugar Act 1764. The Revenue Act was passed in conjunction with the Free Port Act 1766. The Act was repealed by… … Wikipedia