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Riez — 43° 49′ 08″ N 6° 05′ 37″ E / 43.8188888889, 6.09361111111 … Wikipédia en Français
Riez — French commune nomcommune=Riez région=Provence Alpes Côte d Azur département=Alpes de Haute Provence arrondissement=Digne les Bains canton=Riez insee=04166 cp=04500 maire=Michel Zorzan mandat=2001 2008 intercomm= longitude=6.09361111111… … Wikipedia
Riez — Riez … Deutsch Wikipedia
Riez — (spr. ri ë), Stadt im franz. Depart. Niederalpen, Arrond. Digne, 525 m ü. M., am Colostre, hat eine ehemalige Kathedrale (1812 restauriert), eine alte Taufkapelle (ehemals Pantheon), Weinbau, Ölgewinnung und (1901) 1628 Einw. – R. hieß im… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
ALBICI — populi Aquitaniae. Sed Caesar eos in Gallia Narbonensi supra Massiliam describit. l. 1. Bell. Civ. c. 34. Vide Albensium. Nic. Lloydius. Eos Iul. Caesar de Bello civ. loc. cit. vocat, barbaros homines, qui in Massiliensium fide antiquitus erant,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
PROVINCIA Romana — et Provincia simpliciter, Caesari la Provenza, regio Galliae Narbonensis, inter Rhodanum et Alpes maritimas, in qua Galloligures Straboni. Ubi Aquae, Arelatum, et Avenio, metropoles. Ausonius: Fusa per immensum quondam Provincia regnum. Baudrando … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
REGENSES vel REGIENSES — REGENSES, vel REGIENSES populi Galliae Narbonensis, alias Albici, quorum urbs Reii Apollinarii, vulgo Riez, in Provincia, ad amnem Aunestram, 10. leucis ab Aquis Sextiis in Ortum Sanitium versus 6. 12. a Foro Iulio in Circium; vide Reii … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Inari (mythology) — Smyers 15] The worship of Inari is known to have existed as of 711 A.D., the official founding date of the shrine at Inari Mountain in Fushimi, Kyoto. Scholars such as Kazuo Higo believe worship was conducted for centuries before that date; they… … Wikipedia
Inari Shrine — is a shinto shrine to worship the god Inari. There are many Inari shrines in Japan. hrines and offeringsInari is a popular deity with shrines and temples located throughout most of Japan. According to a 1985 survey by the National Association of… … Wikipedia
Claudianus Mamertus — (died circa 473) was a Gallo Roman theologian and the brother of St. Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne. Descended probably from one of the leading families of the country, Claudianus Mamertus relinquished his worldly goods and embraced the monastic life … Wikipedia