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Puffy est la mascotte du système d'exploitation libre OpenBSD. C'est un poisson globe ou fugu connu pour contenir une toxine mortelle, la tétrodotoxine, qui est employé pour signifier l'intention des réalisateurs de faire un système d'exploitation fort contre des attaques.

Puffy est aussi la mascotte des projets enfants de OpenBSD : OpenSSH, OpenNTPD, OpenCVS, OpenOSPFD et OpenBGPD. Puffy a été choisi en raison de l'algorithme blowfish utilisé dans OpenSSH et l'image fortement défensive d'un poisson globe. Il est rapidement devenu très populaire, principalement en raison de l'image mignonne des poissons et sa distinction de beastie utilisé par FreeBSD, la horde de démons alors utilisée par NetBSD et Tux, le célèbre Linuxien manchot.

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  • PUFFY — AmiYumi PUFFY (Puffy AmiYumi) Puffy AmiYumi à Japan Expo 2009 Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Puffy — can refer to one of the following:* Puffy or Puffy AmiYumi (as they are known in the United States), a Japanese J Pop duo ** Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, animation series about fictional adventures of Puffy AmiYumi ** , 1999 PlayStation game featuring… …   Wikipedia

  • Puffy — Puff y, a. 1. Swelled with air, or any soft matter; tumid with a soft substance; bloated; fleshy; as, a puffy tumor. A very stout, puffy man. Thackeray. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, inflated; bombastic; as, a puffy style. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • puffy — ► ADJECTIVE (puffier, puffiest) 1) softly rounded: puffy clouds. 2) (of a part of the body) swollen and soft. DERIVATIVES puffiness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • puffy — index inflated (enlarged) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • puffy — 1610s, of wind, gusty, from PUFF (Cf. puff) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Of other things, swollen, from 1660s. Earliest attested use is figurative, bombastic (1590s) …   Etymology dictionary

  • puffy — [adj] swollen billowy, bloated, blown, bulgy, distended, distent, enlarged, expanded, full, increased, inflamed, inflated, puffed up; concept 485 Ant. flat, tight, unswollen …   New thesaurus

  • puffy — [puf′ē] adj. puffier, puffiest 1. blowing or coming in puffs 2. panting; short winded 3. puffed up; swollen; inflated 4. fat; obese puffily adv. puffiness n …   English World dictionary

  • puffy — [[t]pʌ̱fi[/t]] puffier 1) ADJ GRADED If a part of someone s body, especially their face, is puffy, it has a round, swollen appearance. Her cheeks were puffy with crying. ...dark ringed puffy eyes. Syn: swollen Derived words: puffiness N UNCOUNT… …   English dictionary

  • puffy — UK [ˈpʌfɪ] / US adjective Word forms puffy : adjective puffy comparative puffier superlative puffiest 1) a part of your body that is puffy is slightly swollen 2) big, round, and light puffy clouds Derived word: puffiness noun uncountable …   English dictionary

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