Province de Drenthe
- Province de Drenthe
Drenthe est une province des Pays-Bas.
Le chef-lieu est Assen.
Communes de la province de Drenthe
Les six communes les plus peuplées de la province sont :
Voir également l'article sur les anciennes communes de Drenthe.
Portail des Pays-Bas
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Province de Drenthe de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Province de Drente — Drenthe Drenthe Provincie Drenthe Détail Détail … Wikipédia en Français
Drenthe University of Applied Sciences — (Dutch: Hogeschool Drenthe) is a former vocational university in the Netherlands. Located in the province of Drenthe its departments were scattered across the cities of Assen, Emmen and Meppel. Since 2008 it is merged with CHN University of… … Wikipedia
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Drenthe — For the Dutch footballer, see Royston Drenthe. Drenthe Province … Wikipedia
Drenthe — One of the 12 provinces of the Netherlands, with a cur rent population of about 484,000. Evidence for prehistoric occu pation goes all the way back to 12,000 B.C. The monolithic burial mounds (hunebedden) are particularly famous. During the… … Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands
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Drenthe — /dren teuh/, n. a province in E Netherlands. 423,311; 1011 sq. mi. (2620 sq. km). Also, Drente. * * * ▪ province, The Netherlands also spelled Drente, provincie, northeastern Netherlands. It extends westward from the German border,… … Universalium
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