Presidents Day
- Presidents Day
Le Presidents Day, ou Presidents' Day (Jour des présidents), est le nom que les américains donnent à un jour férié fédéral en l'honneur des différents présidents des États-Unis, officiellement désigné sous le nom de Washington's Birthday. Célébré le troisième lundi de février, pour tomber entre les anniversaires de George Washington (22 février) et d'Abraham Lincoln (12 février), cette fête n’est cependant pas suivie partout et n'a pas la même signification dans chacun des États.
- (en) Mir Tamim Ansary, Presidents' Day, Des Plaines, Ill. : Heinemann Library, 1999. (ISBN 978-1-57572-875-9)
- (en) Lynn Hamilton, Presidents' Day, New York : Weigl Publishers, 2004. (ISBN 978-1-59036-108-5)
- (en) Robin Nelson, Presidents' Day, Minneapolis : Lerner Publications Co., 2003. (ISBN 978-0-8225-1272-1)
- (en) Mary Dodson Wade, Presidents' Day : honoring the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln, Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers, 2004. (ISBN 978-0-7660-2234-8)
Catégories : - Fête américaine
- Fête à date mobile
- Fête de février
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Presidents Day — may refer to:* Presidents Day (Botswana), a holiday in Botswana on July 19 * Presidents Day (United States), a federal holiday in the United States on the third Monday of February … Wikipedia
Presidents' Day — a US public holiday on the third Monday in February, which celebrates the birthdays of Presidents George ↑Washington and Abraham ↑Lincoln … Dictionary of contemporary English
Presidents' Day — Presidents ,Day a public holiday in the U.S. on the third Monday of February, when people remember the birthdays of presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Presidents' Day — n. in several States, a legal holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February: cf. WASHINGTON S BIRTHDAY … English World dictionary
Presidents' Day — the third Monday in February, a legal holiday in the U.S., commemorating the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. * * * ▪ United States holiday officially Washington s Birthday in the United States, holiday (third Monday in … Universalium
Presidents' Day — noun the third Monday in February; commemorates both presidents Lincoln and Washington • Regions: ↑United States, ↑United States of America, ↑America, ↑the States, ↑US, ↑U.S., ↑USA, ↑U.S.A … Useful english dictionary
Presidents' Day — Washington’s Birthday, oder auch Presidents’ Day (dt. Tag der Präsidenten und Präsidentinnen) wird in den USA jeweils am dritten Montag im Februar gefeiert. Ursprünglich wurde der 22. Februar als Nationalfeiertag begangen, der Geburtstag von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Presidents' Day (Botswana) — Presidents Day is a two day holiday in Botswana in July. It appears to be the third Monday and Tuesday of the month. Fact|date=February 2007ee also* Heads of state of Botswana * Presidents Day in other countries … Wikipedia
Presidents' Day — UK / US a public holiday in the US on the third Monday of February, when people remember the birthdays of presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington … English dictionary
Presidents'Day — Pres·i·dents Day (prĕzʹĭ dənts, dĕnts) n. The third Monday in February, observed in the United States as a legal holiday in commemoration of the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. * * * … Universalium