- Phonolite
La phonolite est une roche magmatique volcanique à structure microlithique fluidale. De couleur grise à verdâtre, elle est composée de feldspath, de feldspathoïde et d'une pâte de verre peu abondante. La phonolite se débite en dalle.
Cette roche se caractérise par un son clair quand on frappe une dalle. C'est cette propriété qui a donné son nom à la roche.
Les dalles de phonolite sont utilisées comme lauzes, notamment dans le Massif central pour couvrir les toitures des maisons.
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Phonolite — Pho no*lite, n. [Phono + lite: cf. F. phonolithe.] (Min.) A compact, feldspathic, igneous rock containing nephelite, ha[ u]ynite, etc. Thin slabs give a ringing sound when struck; called also {clinkstone}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
phonolite — a kind of volcanic rock which rings when struck, c.1830, from PHONO (Cf. phono ) + LITE (Cf. lite). Replacing Ger. klingstein … Etymology dictionary
phonolite — [fō′nə līt΄] n. [Fr phonolithe < phono (see PHONO ) + lithe (see LITE): transl. of Ger klingstein < klingen, to ring, clink + stein,STONE] a fine grained, extrusive igneous rock consisting chiefly of alkali feldspar and nepheline phonolitic … English World dictionary
Phonolite — Aegirine phonolite. Dark prismatic minerals are aegirine phenocrysts. Phonolite is a rare igneous, volcanic (extrusive) rock of intermediate (between felsic and mafic) composition, with aphanitic to porphyritic texture. The name phonolite comes… … Wikipedia
phonolite — phonolithe ou phonolite [ fɔnɔlit ] n. m. ou f. • 1823; phonolite 1807; de phono et lithe « pierre qui résonne » ♦ Minér. Trachyte feldspathique qui se présente sous forme de laves compactes, sonores sous le choc. Adj. PHONOLITHIQUE ou… … Encyclopédie Universelle
phonolite — phonolitic /fohn l it ik/, adj. /fohn l uyt /, n. a fine grained volcanic rock composed chiefly of alkali feldspar and nepheline, some varieties of which split into pieces that ring on being struck. [1820 30; < F < G Phonolith. See PHONO , LITE]… … Universalium
phonolite — noun Etymology: French, from German Phonolith, from phon + lith; from its ringing sound when struck Date: circa 1828 a gray or green volcanic rock consisting essentially of orthoclase and nepheline … New Collegiate Dictionary
phonolite — noun a light coloured rock of volcanic origin composed mostly of alkali feldspars … Wiktionary
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phonolite — n. clinkstone, fine grained igneous rock; light colored volcanic rock composed mainly of feldspars (Geology) … English contemporary dictionary