- Passions
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Passions de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Passions — • Motions of the sensitive appetite in man which tend towards the attainment of some real or apparent good, or the avoidance of some evil. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Passions Passions … Catholic encyclopedia
Passions — Passions, kleine Bilderrahmen von glattem Holze … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
passions — Passions, et accidens d esprit, comme joye, douleur, etc. Affectus, plurali numero … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Passions — Infobox Television Soap Opera show name = Passions network = NBC (1999 2007) The 101 (2007 2008) genre = Soap opera creator = James E. Reilly executive producer = Lisa de Cazotte head writer = James E. Reilly senior cast members = Galen Gering… … Wikipedia
passions — (moral) This word (from the Latin passio, meaning suffering ) refers to the feelings, affections, or appetites that incline a person to actions, which may be either good or evil. Among the passions are love and hatred, joy and fear, desire… … Glossary of theological terms
Passions (série télévisée) — Passions Titre original Passions Autres titres francophones Passions Genre Soap opera Créateur(s) James E. Reilly Production Lisa de Cazotte Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Passions and Prayers — Sextet in homage to Jerusalem, is a suite in five parts for horn, clarinet/bass clarinet, trombone, viola, double bass and piano. It was composed by Yitzhak Yedid in Jerusalem, Israel in 2003, and is dedicated to Jerusalem.Passions and Prayers is … Wikipedia
Passions juveniles — Passions juvéniles Affiche originale du film … Wikipédia en Français
Passions juvéniles — Affiche originale du film Données clés Titre original Kurutta kajitsu Réalisation … Wikipédia en Français
Passions, He Had Three — Données clés Réalisation Henry Lehrman Acteurs principaux Roscoe Arbuckle Nick Cogley Sociétés de production The Keystone Film Company Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français