- Parcs provinciaux de la Nouvelle-Écosse
Les Parcs provinciaux de la Nouvelle-Écosse sont gérés par le Ministère des ressources naturelles de cette province[1]. La province possède aussi 33 aires sauvages et 15 réserves naturelles qui sont gérées par le ministère de l'environnement et du travail[2].
Parcs provinciaux
Parc provincial Superficie
km²Date de création Comté Amherst Shore 2000 Cumberland Annapolis Basin Look Off 1996 Digby Anthony 1974 Hants Arisaig 1981 Antigonish Balmoral Mills Colchester Barachois 1983 Cap-Breton Battery 1972 Richmond Bayfield Antigonish Bayswater Beach 1976 Lunenburg Beaver Mountain 1972 Antigonish, Pictou Ben Eoin 1975 Cap-Breton Black Duck Cove Guysborough Blomidon 1974 Kings Blue Sea Beach Cumberland Boylston 1972 Guysborough Bras d'Or Victoria Burnt Island Richmond Bush Island Lunenburg Cabot's Landing 0,07 1974 Victoria Caddell Rapids Look Off Hants Camerons Brook 1981 Queens Cape Chignecto 1998 Cumberland Cape Smokey 1,69 1983 Victoria Card Lake 1976 Lunenburg Caribou–Munroes Island 1972 Pictou Central Grove 1976 Digby Clairmont 1972 Kings Clam Harbour Beach 1980 Halifax Cleveland Beach 1978 Halifax Coldbrook 1980 Kings Cookville Lunenburg Cottage Cove Annapolis Crystal Crescent Beach Halifax Dalem Lake 1977 Victoria Dollar Lake 1981 Halifax Dominion Beach 1976 Cap-Breton Dundee Richmond East River 1979 Lunenburg Elderbank Halifax Ellenwood Lake 1971 Yarmouth Falls Lake 1984 Hants Fancy Lake 1985 Lunenburg Five Islands 1972 Colchester Fox Harbour 1990 Cumberland Glenwood 1983 Yarmouth Graves Island 1971 Lunenburg Green Hill 1984 Pictou Groves Point 1980 Cap-Breton Gulf Shore 1972 Cumberland Heather Beach 1980 Cumberland Hubbards Halifax Irish Cove Richmond, Cap-Breton Jerry Lawrence 1976 Halifax Lake George Kings Lake Midway 1981 Digby Lake O’Law 1974 Inverness Lawrencetown Beach 1987 Halifax Lennox Passage 1985 Richmond Lochiel Lake 1975 Guysborough Londonderry Colchester Long Lake 1984 Halifax Long Point 1973 Inverness Lumsden Pond 1981 Kings Mabou 1974 Inverness Marie Joseph 1998 Guysborough Martinique Beach 1971 Halifax Plage de Mavillette (Mavillette Beach) 1983 Digby MacCormack Beach Victoria MacCormacks Beach Halifax MacElmons Pond 1998 Colchester McNabs and Lawlor Islands 4,00 2002 Halifax Melmerby Beach 1977 Pictou Mira River 1976 Cap-Breton Moose River Gold Mines 1986 Halifax Musquodoboit Valley 1973 Halifax Newville Lake 1973 Cumberland Ninevah Lunenburg North River Victoria Northport Beach 1974 Cumberland Oakfield 1973 Halifax Petersfield 1984 Cap-Breton Plaster 1996 Victoria Point Michaud Beach Richmond Pomquet Beach Antigonish Pondville Beach 1996 Richmond Port Hood Beach Inverness Port Maitland Beach 1976 Yarmouth Port Shoreham Beach Guysborough Porters Lake 1972 Halifax Powells Point 1974 Pictou Queensland Beach 1980 Halifax Rainbow Haven Beach 1987 Halifax Rissers Beach 1973 Lunenburg Ross Ferry Victoria Rushtons Beach 1978 Pictou Sable River 1982 Shelburne Salsman 1972 Guysborough Salt Springs 1972 Pictou Sand Hills Beach 1976 Shelburne Savary 1974 Digby Scots Bay Kings Second Peninsula 1975 Lunenburg Sherbrooke Guysborough Shinimicas 1973 Cumberland Shubenacadie 1977 Colchester Smileys 1971 Hants Le Fourneau (Smuggler's Cove) 1982 Digby Southwest Margaree 1975 Inverness Spry Bay Halifax St. Anns 1982 Victoria Summerville Beach 1971 Queens Tatamagouche 1974 Colchester Taylor Head 1980 Halifax Ten Mile Lake 1975 Queens The Islands 1972 Shelburne Thomas Raddall 1997 Queens Tidnish Dock 1982 Cumberland Tor Bay Guysborough Tor Bay Inverness Uisage Ban Falls Victoria Upper Clements 1979 Annapolis Valleyview 1973 Annapolis Waterside 1980 Pictou West Mabou Beach 2001 Inverness Wentworth 1972 Cumberland William de Garthe 1988 Halifax Whycocomagh 1972 Inverness Réserves Naturelle
Réserve naturelle Superficie
km²Date de création Comté MacFarlane Woods 1,32 1988 Bornish Hill 9,60 Indian Man Lake 1,26 Duncans Cove 3,69 Panuke Lake 1,51 Ponhook Lake 0,43 Sporting Lake 0,23 1990 Digby Tusket River 0,22 Great Barren and Quinan Lakes 3,55 Spinneys Heath 6,40 Quinns Meadow 3,37 Washabuck River 0,67 2006 River Inhabitants 3,60 2006 Roman Valley 0,57 2006 Abraham Lake 4,00 2006 Blandford 3,20 2007 Aires sauvages
Aire sauvage Superficie
km²Date de création Comté Polletts Cove-Aspy Fault 272,30 1999 Inverness, Victoria Margaree River 68,50 1998 Inverness Jim Campbells Barren 17,50 1998 Inverness French River 71,00 1998 Victoria Sugarloaf Mountain 7,50 1998 Inverness Middle River 56,20 1998 Inverness, Victoria North River 39,90 1998 Victoria Trout Brook 28,80 1998 Inverness, Victoria Middle River-Framboise 56,40 1998 Cap-Breton, Richmond Gabarus 37,45 1998 Cap-Breton Scatarie Island 17,00 1998 Cap-Breton Ogden Round Lake 54,90 1998 Guysborough Bonnet Lake Barrens 103,80 1998 Guysborough Canso Coastal Barrens 80,26 1998 Guysborough Liscomb River 29,70 1998 Guysborough The Big Bog 26,90 1998 Guysborough Alder Ground 7,55 1998 Guysborough Boggy Lake 37,00 1998 Guysborough, Halifax Tangier Grand Lake 160,00 1998 Halifax White Lake 45,40 1998 Halifax Clattenburgh Brook 19,11 1998 Halifax Waverley-Salmon River Long Lake 87,10 1998 Halifax Terence Bay 44,50 1998 Halifax Economy River 61,20 1998 Colchester, Cumberland Portapique River 20,50 1998 Colchester, Cumberland Cloud Lake 108,30 1998 Annapolis, Kings McGill Lake 1,80 1998 Annapolis Lake Rossignol 41,20 1998 Queens Tobeatic 1 037,80 1998 Annapolis, Digby, Queens, Shelburne, Yarmouth Tidney River 178,00 1998 Queens, Shelburne Bowers Meadows 41,20 1998 Shelburne Eigg Mountain-James River 54,90 2005 Antigonish Gully Lake 38,10 2005 Colchester, Pictou Chignecto Isthmus 9,70 2008 Cumberland Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes 13,12 2009 Halifax Rivière-Shelburne (Shelburne River) 22,67 2009 Queens Ship Harbour Long Lake 147,34 2009 Halifax Five Bridge Lakes 86,00 2011 Halifax Notes et références de l'article
- (en) Nova Scotia Provincial Parks -- A-Z sur Nova Scotia Natural Resources, 2009. Consulté le 18 mai 2009
- Protected Area Map, NS Environnement and Labour, Protected Area, Consulté le 11 octobre 2007
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