- Outrageous
Outrageous est un single de Britney Spears issu de l'album In the Zone est sorti en 2004.
- R. Kelly qui a écrit et composé la chanson
- Snoop Dog apparaissant dans le clip (inachevé car Britney s'est blessée au genou pendant le tournage)
- Larry Rudolph producteur de Britney Spears
Outrageous signifie en anglais « Dégoutant », « Révoltant » ou « Choquant ». C'est un faux ami.
Catégories : - Single musical sorti en 2004
- Chanson de Britney Spears
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Outrageous de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Outrageous — «Outrageous» Sencillo de Britney Spears del álbum In the Zone Publicación 14 de agosto de 2004 … Wikipedia Español
outrageous — outrageous, monstrous, heinous, atrocious mean enormously or flagrantly bad or horrible. Something outrageous violates even the lowest standard of what is right or decent or exceeds one s power to suffer or tolerate {an outrageous practical joke} … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Outrageous! — Promotional poster Directed by Richard Benner Produced by William T … Wikipedia
Outrageous — «Outrageous» Сингл Бритни Спирс из альбома In the Zone Выпущен 13 июля 2004 … Википедия
Outrageous — Out*ra geous (out*r[=a] j[u^]s), a. [OF. outrageus, F. outrageux. See {Outrage}, n.] Of the nature of an outrage; exceeding the limits of right, reason, or decency; such as to cause outrage; involving or doing an outrage; furious; violent;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
outrageous — out·ra·geous /au̇t rā jəs/ adj: going beyond standards of decency: utterly intolerable in a civilized society outrageous conduct out·ra·geous·ly adv out·ra·geous·ness n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
outrageous — [out΄rā′jəs] adj. [OFr outrageus: see OUTRAGE & OUS] 1. having the nature of, involving, or doing great injury or wrong 2. exceeding all bounds of decency or reasonableness; very offensive or shocking 3. violent in action or disposition;… … English World dictionary
outrageous — [adj1] very bad abominable, atrocious, barbaric, beastly, brazen, contemptible, contumelious, corrupt, criminal, debasing, debauching, degenerate, depraving, disgraceful, disgracing, egregious, flagitious, flagrant, gross, heinous, horrendous,… … New thesaurus
outrageous — (adj.) c.1300, excessive, extravagant, from O.Fr. outrageus (see OUTRAGE (Cf. outrage)). Meaning flagrantly evil is late 14c.; modern teen slang usages of it unwittingly approach the original and etymological sense of outrage. Related:… … Etymology dictionary
outrageous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) shockingly bad or excessive. 2) very bold and unusual. DERIVATIVES outrageously adverb outrageousness noun … English terms dictionary