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  • Ojibwa —   [o dʒɪbwa, englisch əʊ dʒɪbweɪ], Odjibwa, in den USA Chippewa [ tʃɪpɪwɑː], Eigenbezeichnung Anishinabe [ ʃ ], nordamerikanische Indianer des Algonkin Sprachstamms im östlichen Waldland und in der Subarktis. 1990 lebten von den… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • OJIBWA — ou CHIPPEWA Indiens du groupe linguistique algonquin, qui vivaient autrefois sur la rive nord du lac Huron et sur les rives du lac Supérieur, les Ojibwa se retrouvent également dans les territoires à l’ouest du lac Winnipeg, où on les appelle les …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ojibwa — ☆ Ojibwa [ō jib′wā΄ō jib′wā΄, ō jib′wä΄, ō jib′wə ] n. [Ojibwa ojibwe, orig. name of an Ojibwa band near Sault Ste. Marie: said to be < a root meaning “puckered up,” in allusion to the style of moccasins ] 1. pl. Ojibwas or Ojibwa a member of… …   English World dictionary

  • Ojibwa — Algonquian people of North America living along the shores of Lake Superior, 1700, from Ojibwa O chepe wag plaited shoes, in reference to their puckered moccasins, which were unlike those of neighboring tribes. The older form in English is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ojibwä — Ojibwä, Indianerstamm, s. Odschibwä …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Ojibwa — Infobox Ethnic group group=Ojibwa Crest of the Ojibwa people poptime=175,000 popplace=United States, Canada rels=Catholicism, Methodism, Midewiwin langs=English, Ojibwe related=Ottawa, Potawatomi and other Algonquian peoples The Ojibwa or… …   Wikipedia

  • Ojibwa — /oh jib way, weuh/, n., pl. Ojibwas, (esp. collectively) Ojibwa. 1. a member of a large tribe of North American Indians found in Canada and the U.S., principally in the region around Lakes Huron and Superior but extending as far west as… …   Universalium

  • Ojibwa — Anishinabe das Stammeswappen der Anishinabe Gesamtpopulation 200,000 Gegenden mit größeren Populationen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ojibwa — ISO 639 3 Code : oji ISO 639 2/B Code : oji ISO 639 2/T Code : oji ISO 639 1 Code : oj Scope : Macrolanguage Language Type : Living Individual languages : Identifier : ciw Name: Chippewa Individual languages : Identifier : ojb Name: Northwestern… …   Names of Languages ISO 639-3

  • Ojibwa — or Ojibway or Ojibwe noun (plural Ojibwa or Ojibwas or Ojibway or Ojibways or Ojibwe or Ojibwes) Etymology: Ojibwa očipwe•, an Ojibwa band Date: 1700 1. a member of an American Indian people of the region around Lake Superior a …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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