Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
- Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained (2007) est le nom du premier album du groupe de rock français The Elderberries.
- "Laying Low" - 3:39
- "Once or Twice" - 3:53
- "Running for Life" - 2:35
- "I wanna Bit" - 2:10
- "Double demons" - 2:22
- "Like a Bull" - 3:00
- "Gotta get me Good" - 3:32
- "The Little House" - 5:13
- "What you Gonna Do" - 3:32
- "Looking for a Place to Go" - 2:49
- "Overdose" - 3:04
- "Shoot for the Money" - 3:44
- "Hellphone" - 5:15
- "There will always be Time" - 3:48
- "White Heat" - 1:43
- Portail du rock
Catégories : Album de rock français | Album musical sorti en 2007
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