- (ou Netlink Computer Inc.) est une entreprise de vente de matériel et de logiciel informatiques basée à Richmond, Colombie-Britannique, Canada.
- Magasin Burnaby
- Magasin Langley
- Magasin Mississauga
- Magasin Richmond
- Magasin Vancouver
Liens externes
Catégories : - Entreprise de distribution informatique
- Entreprise de distribution canadienne
- Entreprise de Colombie-Britannique
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article NCIX de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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NCIX — Netlink Computer Inc. (commonly referred to as Type Private … Wikipedia
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Technical intelligence — In a pure military context, Technical Intelligence (TECHINT) is intelligence about weapons and equipment used by the armed forces of foreign nations (often referred to as foreign materiel).The related term, scientific and technical intelligence,… … Wikipedia
Foreign Intelligence Service (Russia) — Infobox Government agency agency name = Foreign Intelligence Service nativename = nativename a = nativename r = Служба Внешней Разведки logo = logo width = logo caption = seal width = 150 px seal caption = Seal of the SVR formed = December 1991… … Wikipedia
Samuel Loring Morison — (born October 30, 1944) is a former American intelligence professional, convicted of espionage and theft of government property in 1985, and pardoned by President Clinton in 2001. He was born in London, England where his father was stationed… … Wikipedia
Intelligence cycle security — This article is part of a series under the intelligence cycle management, and deals with protection of the intelligence cycle. For a hierarchical list of articles, see the intelligence cycle management hierarchy. National intelligence programs,… … Wikipedia
Counter-intelligence — This article is a subset article of intelligence cycle security. National intelligence programs, and, by extension, the overall defenses of nations, are vulnerable to attack. It is the role of intelligence cycle security to protect the process… … Wikipedia