
Anniversary - 10 Years of Hits
Compilation par George Jones
Sortie 30 octobre 1982
Enregistrement 1972-1982
Durée 61:53
Genre Country
Producteur Billy Sherrill
Label Epic Records
Albums de George Jones
A Taste of Yesterday's Wine (1982)
Shine On (1983)

Anniversary - 10 Years of Hits est une compilation de l'artiste américain de musique country George Jones. Cet album est sorti en 1982 sur le label Epic Records. L'album est disque d'or en 1989. Il a été réédité en CD en 1990.

Liste des pistes

No Titre Auteur(s) Durée
1. We Can Make It Sherrill, Sutton 2:03
2. Loving You Could Never Be Better Belew, Montgomery, Montgomery 3:05
3. A Picture of Me (Without You) Richey, Wilson 2:32
4. What My Woman Can't Do Jones, Montgomery, Sherrill 2:35
5. Nothing Ever Hurt Me (Half as Bad as Losing You) Braddock 2:19
6. Once You've Had the Best Paycheck 2:38
7. Her Name Is... Braddock 2:17
8. Old King Kong 2:18
9. Bartender's Blues Taylor 3:45
10. I'll Just Take It Out in Love McDill 3:09
11. Someday My Day Will Come Montgomery 2:32
12. The Grand Tour Richey, Taylor, Wilson 3:05
13. The Door Sherrill, Wilson 2:42
14. These Days (I Barely Get By) Jones, Wynette 3:01
15. Memories of Us Kirby, Martin 3:14
16. The Battle Colcord, Kimball, Richey, Wilson 2:45
17. He Stopped Loving Her Today Braddock, Putman 3:15
18. I'm Not Ready Yet Hall 2:58
19. If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me (Her Memory Will) Beresford, Sanders, Sanders 3:10
20. Good Ones and Bad Ones Chambers 2:46
21. Still Doin' Time Moffatt 2:50
22. Same Ole Me Overstreet 2:54

Positions dans les charts

Album - Billboard (Amérique du nord)

Année Chart Position
1983 Albums country 16

Single - Billboard (Amérique du nord)

Année Single Chart Position
1972 We Can Make It Singles country 6
1974 Once You've Had The Best Singles country 3
1975 Memories Of Us Singles country 21
1975 These Days (I Barely Get By) Singles country 10
1977 Old King Kong Singles country 34
1979 Someday My Day Will Come Singles country 22
1982 Same Ole Me Singles country 5

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  • Anniversary — An ni*ver sa*ry, a. [L. anniversarius; annus year + vertere, versum, to turn: cf. F. anniversaire.] Returning with the year, at a stated time; annual; yearly; as, an anniversary feast. [1913 Webster] {Anniversary day} (R. C. Ch.). See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anniversary — [an΄ə vʉr′sə rē] n. pl. anniversaries [ME anniversarie < ML anniversaria (dies), anniversary (day) < L anniversarius < annus, year + versum, pp. of vertere, to turn: see VERSE] 1. the date on which some event occurred in an earlier year… …   English World dictionary

  • Anniversary — An ni*ver sa*ry, n.; pl. {Anniversaries}. [Cf. F. anniversaire.] 1. The annual return of the day on which any notable event took place, or is wont to be celebrated; as, the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. [1913 Webster] 2. (R. C.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anniversary — (n.) early 13c., originally especially of the day of a person s death, from M.L. anniversarium, from L. anniversarius (adj.) returning annually, from annus (gen. anni) year (see ANNUAL (Cf. annual) (adj.)) + versus, pp. of vertere to turn (see… …   Etymology dictionary

  • anniversary — [n] yearly observance, celebration ceremony, commemoration, feast day, festival, holiday, jubilee, recurrence, red letter day; concepts 800,801,815,823 …   New thesaurus

  • anniversary — ► NOUN (pl. anniversaries) ▪ the date on which an event took place in a previous year. ORIGIN from Latin anniversarius returning yearly …   English terms dictionary

  • Anniversary — For other uses, see Anniversary (disambiguation). An anniversary is a day that commemorates and/or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same day of the year as the initial event. For example, the first event is the initial occurrence or,… …   Wikipedia

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  • anniversary — 01. I want to surprise my wife with a big party for our twentieth [anniversary]. 02. Today we celebrate the [anniversary] of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 03. If I forget my wedding [anniversary], my wife will kill me. 04. Each… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • anniversary — n. 1) to celebrate, commemorate, mark, reach an anniversary 2) a wedding anniversary 3) a diamond; golden; silver anniversary 4) on an anniversary (on their tenth wedding anniversary) * * * [ˌænɪ vɜːs(ə)rɪ] commemorate mark golden reach an… …   Combinatory dictionary

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