Le Riffle
- Le Riffle
Éditions du Riffle
Le Riffle est une marque d'édition créée en juillet 2005 par Richard Albisser.
C'est avant tout un label qui accompagne la publication d'ouvrages littéraires perpétuant la tradition du roman ou explorant d'autres formes d'écriture (récit, nouvelle, poésie).
L'équipe éditoriale est depuis le 1er septembre 2009 constituée de Richard Albisser, gérant et auteur, Dirck Degraeve, professeur de lettres et auteur, Jean-Claude Dorchies professeur de philosophie et auteur, Martine Degraeve professeur d'histoire-géographie et lectrice, Josiane Vermeulen linguiste et correctrice.
Portail de l’édition
Portail de la littérature
Catégorie : Maison d'édition française
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Le Riffle de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
riffle — [rif′əl] n. [< ? or akin to Ger riffel, groove, furrow < EFris, akin to OE rifelung, wrinkle < IE base * rei , to tear > REAP ] ☆ 1. a) a shoal, reef, or shallow in a stream, producing a stretch of ruffled or choppy water b) a stretch … English World dictionary
Riffle — Rif fle (r[i^]f f l), n. [CF. G. riffeln, riefeln, to groove. Cf. {Rifle} a gun.] 1. (Mining) A trough or sluice having cleats, grooves, or steps across the bottom for holding quicksilver and catching particles of gold when auriferous earth is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
riffle — ► VERB 1) turn over something, especially pages, quickly and casually. 2) (riffle through) search quickly through. 3) shuffle (playing cards) by flicking up and releasing the corners of two piles of cards so that they intermingle. ► NOUN ▪ an act … English terms dictionary
riffle — ● riffle nom masculin Rainure ou baguette fixée dans le fond de certains appareils de concentration des minerais fins, pour arrêter ou ralentir l entraînement par le courant d eau des particules minéralisées denses … Encyclopédie Universelle
riffle — (v.) 1754, to make choppy water, American English, perhaps a variant of ruffle make rough. The word meaning shuffle (cards) is first recorded 1894, probably echoic; that of skim, leaf through quickly is from 1922 … Etymology dictionary
riffle — Mail prepared so that 10 or more contiguous mailpieces are addressed to the same ZIP Code destination. Also, to check that mail is in ZIP Code sequence by thumbing quickly through the top of a tray of mail or along the side of a bundle of mail … Glossary of postal terms
Riffle — Mischen von Karten (in Riffle Technik) Als Mischen bezeichnet man die Erzeugung einer zufälligen Reihenfolge der Spielkarten eines Kartenspiels. Dem Mischen folgt oft das Abheben der Karten. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Riffle-pool sequence — In a flowing stream a riffle pool sequence develops as an area of alternating areas of relatively shallow and deeper water. Riffles describe shallow water where the flow is rippling over gravel deposits whereas pools are deeper and calmer areas.… … Wikipedia
riffle — UK [ˈrɪf(ə)l] / US verb [transitive] Word forms riffle : present tense I/you/we/they riffle he/she/it riffles present participle riffling past tense riffled past participle riffled riffle or riffle through to quickly turn over pages or papers She … English dictionary
riffle — /ˈrɪfəl / (say rifuhl) noun 1. Mining a. the lining at the bottom of a sluice or the like, made of blocks or slats of wood, or of stones, arranged in such a manner that grooves or openings are left between them for catching and collecting… …
riffle — I. verb (riffled; riffling) Etymology: 2riffle Date: 1754 intransitive verb 1. to form, flow over, or move in riffles 2. to flip cursorily ; thumb < riffle through the catalog > … New Collegiate Dictionary