Le Prof
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prof — prof·a·na·tion; prof·it·abil·i·ty; prof·it·able; prof·it·able·ness; prof·it·ably; prof·it·er; prof·it·less; prof·li·ga·cy; prof·li·gate·ly; prof·li·gate·ness; prof·lu·ence; prof·lu·ent; prof; prof·fer; prof·it; prof·i·teer; prof·li·gate;… … English syllables
prof — [ prɔf ] n. • 1890; abrév. de professeur ♦ Fam. Professeur. Le, la prof de maths. C est un bon prof. Des profs de fac. ● prof nom Familier. Professeur. ⇒PROF, subst. Fam. Abrév. de professeur. Quelques années plus tard, il [l étudiant] se… … Encyclopédie Universelle
prof´li|gate|ness — prof|li|gate «PROF luh giht», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. very wicked; shamelessly bad: »a profligate wretch without any sense of principle, morality, or religion (Tobias Smollett). 2. recklessly extravagant. –n. a person who is very wicked or… … Useful english dictionary
prof´li|gate|ly — prof|li|gate «PROF luh giht», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. very wicked; shamelessly bad: »a profligate wretch without any sense of principle, morality, or religion (Tobias Smollett). 2. recklessly extravagant. –n. a person who is very wicked or… … Useful english dictionary
prof|li|gate — «PROF luh giht», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. very wicked; shamelessly bad: »a profligate wretch without any sense of principle, morality, or religion (Tobias Smollett). 2. recklessly extravagant. –n. a person who is very wicked or extravagant.… … Useful english dictionary
Prof. — Prof. 〈Abk. für〉 Professor * * * Prof. = Professor[in]. * * * Prof. = Professor[in] … Universal-Lexikon
prof (1) — {{hw}}{{prof (1)}{{/hw}}s. m. e f. inv. (fam., gerg.) Professore, professoressa. prof (2) {{hw}}{{prof (2)}{{/hw}}V. pro (3) … Enciclopedia di italiano
prof´it|a|ble|ness — prof|it|a|ble «PROF uh tuh buhl», adjective. 1. yielding a financial profit; lucrative; gainful: »The sale held by the Girl Scouts was very profitable. 2. giving a gain or benefit; useful: »We spent a profitable afternoon in the library.… … Useful english dictionary
prof|it|a|ble — «PROF uh tuh buhl», adjective. 1. yielding a financial profit; lucrative; gainful: »The sale held by the Girl Scouts was very profitable. 2. giving a gain or benefit; useful: »We spent a profitable afternoon in the library. SYNONYM(S): beneficial … Useful english dictionary
prof´it|less|ly — prof|it|less «PROF iht lihs», adjective. without profit, gain, or advantage; unprofitable: »... hours of utterly profitless talk (Manchester Examiner). –prof´it|less|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
prof|it|less — «PROF iht lihs», adjective. without profit, gain, or advantage; unprofitable: »... hours of utterly profitless talk (Manchester Examiner). –prof´it|less|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary