Lawrence Hargrave
- Lawrence Hargrave
Hargrave (
et Swain avec ses cerfs-
volants à la plage de Stanwell Park,
novembre 1894
Lawrence Hargrave (29 janvier 1850 - 6 juillet 1915), pionnier en aéronautique, a fait le premier vol humain en cerf-volant le 12 novembre 1894. Il a vécu à Stanwell Park en Australie.
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Lawrence Hargrave — Lawrence Hargraves (29 January 1850 – 14 July 1915 [Some older sources state that he died on 6 July 1915.Fact|date=July 2008] ) was an engineer, explorer, astronomer, inventor and aeronautical pioneer. Early life Hargraves was born in Greenwich,… … Wikipedia
Lawrence Hargrave — Hargrave (links) und Swain bei der Vorführung ihres Flugapparats bei Stanwell Park im November 1894 Lawrence Hargrave (* 29. Januar 1850 in Greenwich, England; † 14. Juli 1915 in Sydney, Australien) war ein britisch australischer Ingenieur,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lawrence Hargrave Drive — is a road that runs along a narrow part of the east Australian coast known as the Northern Illawarra. The road begins at Helensburgh and passes Stanwell Tops to descend Bald Hill (one of only five roads to descend the Illawarra Escarpment). The… … Wikipedia
Hargrave — could refer to:*John Hargrave (White Fox), British leading figure in Scouting, Woodcraft Folk and Social Credit movement *Lawrence Hargrave, Australian aviation pioneer *Hargrave, Suffolk *Hargrave, Northamptonshire *Hargrave, Cheshire *Hargrave… … Wikipedia
Hargrave — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: John Hargrave (Pseudonym: White Fox; 1894–1982), britischer Zeichner, Autor und Politiker Lawrence Hargrave (1850–1915), britisch australischer Ingenieur, Astronom, Entdecker, Erfinder und Luftfahrtpionier … Deutsch Wikipedia
HARGRAVE, Lawrence (1850-1915) — pioneer in aviation was born in England on 29 January 1850. He was the second son of John Fletcher Hargrave (1815 1885), an English barrister, who came to Australia in 1857, and his wife Ann Hargrave. The elder Hargrave was appointed a district… … Dictionary of Australian Biography
Hargrave box kite — kite designed, built, and flown by the aeronautical pioneer Lawrence Hargrave (Hargrave, Lawrence) in the 1890s. Hargrave began his experiments with kites in 1893. His goal was to build a kite so efficient that it would advance into… … Universalium
Hargrave — /ˈhagreɪv/ (say hahgrayv) noun Lawrence, 1850–1915, Australian aeronautical pioneer and explorer, born in England; his experiments with models and kites contributed to development of later aeroplanes. Lawrence Hargrave arrived in Sydney in 1865… …
Hargrave kite — Box kite Box kite A kite, invented by Lawrence Hargrave, of Sydney, Australia, which consist of two light rectangular boxes, or cells open on two sides, and fastened together horizontally. Called also {Hargrave kite}, or {cellular kite}. [Webster … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hargrave kite — ˈhärˌgrāv noun Usage: usually capitalized H Etymology: after Lawrence Hargrave died 1915 Australian pioneer in aviation : box kite … Useful english dictionary