La Captive
- La Captive
La Captive (film)
La Captive est un film belge de Chantal Akerman sorti en 2000.
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(fr+en) La Captive (film) sur l’Internet Movie Database
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Catégories : Film belge | Film français | Adaptation d'une œuvre littéraire au cinéma | Titre de film en C | Film sorti en 2000 | Film réalisé par Chantal Akerman
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article La Captive de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Captive insurance — companies are insurance companies established with the specific objective of financing risks emanating from their parent group or groups but they sometimes also insure risks of the group s customers as well. Using a captive insurer is a risk… … Wikipedia
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Captive D'assurance — La notion de captive d’assurance est ici employée dans une acception très large. Elle regroupe quatre types de captives d assurance : Une captive d’assurance stricto sensu, ou captive d’assurance directe est une société filiale, créée par… … Wikipédia en Français
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Captive NTFS — est un pilote informatique (anglais driver) qui permet la manipulation des systèmes de fichier NTFS depuis les systèmes d exploitation de type Unix (notamment Linux). C est un projet open source lancé par Jan Kratochvil dont le but est de créer… … Wikipédia en Français
captive — cap‧tive [ˈkæptɪv] adjective [only before a noun] captive viewers or customers watch a company s advertisements or buy a company s products because they have no other choice: • Kids in the classroom are a captive audience to whom ads may seem a… … Financial and business terms
Captive NTFS — is an open source project within the Linux programming community, started by Jan Kratochvil, to create a software wrapper around the original Microsoft Windows NTFS file system driver using parts of ReactOS code. By taking this approach captive… … Wikipedia
Captive State — is a book written by the Guardian journalist and author George Monbiot in 2001 which examines the growth of corporate power in the UK and the negative impact that this has had on democracy and local communities.The book explores issues such as… … Wikipedia
Captive — Cap tive, a. 1. Made prisoner, especially in war; held in bondage or in confinement. [1913 Webster] A poor, miserable, captive thrall. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Subdued by love; charmed; captivated. [1913 Webster] Even in so short a space, my… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Captive market — Captive markets are markets where the potential consumers face a severely limited amount of competitive suppliers; their only choices are to purchase what is available or to make no purchase at all. Captive markets result in higher prices and… … Wikipedia