
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page dhomonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.



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  • Kirschner — is a surname, and may refer to:* Aloisia Kirschner, a novelist * Ann Kirschner, an academic and author * David Kirschner, a film and television producer * Diana Kirschner, a psychologist * Jana Kirschner, a Slovak singer * Marc Kirschner, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Kirschner — Kirschner, 1) Martin, Oberbürgermeister von Berlin, geb. 10. Nov. 1842 zu Freiburg i. Schl., studierte die Rechte, bestand 1871 das Assessorexamen, wurde 1872 Kreisrichter in Nakel, bald Stadtrat und 1879 Stadtsyndikus in Breslau, legte aber sein …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Kirschner — Kirschner, Lula, Romanschriftstellerin unter dem Pseudonym Ossip Schubin, geb. 17. Juni 1854 in Prag, lebte viel auf Reisen, in Brüssel, Paris, Rom, jetzt auf Schloß Bonrepos bei Lissa; schrieb die Romane: »Ehre« (1883), »Gloria victis!« (1885),… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Kirschner — Verteilung des Namens Kirschner in Deutschland …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • KIRSCHNER, EMANUEL — (1857–1938), German ḥazzan and composer. Born in Upper Silesia, Kirschner became a music student at the Jewish Teachers Training College, Berlin, in 1874. In 1877 he taught in the Berlin Jewish community s school and was appointed assistant… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Kirschner value — The Kirschner value (also known as the Kirschner number) is a value determined when examining fat. The Kirschner value is an indicator of how much volatile fatty acid can be extracted from fat through saponification. It consists of the number of… …   Wikipedia

  • Kirschner wire — Introduced in 1909 by Martin Kirschner, Kirschner wires or K wires or pins are sterilized, sharpened, smooth stainless steel pins used in orthopaedics and other types of medical and veterinary surgery. They come in different sizes and are used to …   Wikipedia

  • Kirschner wire — Kirsch·ner wire kərsh nər .wīr n metal wire inserted through bone and used to achieve internal traction or immobilization of bone fractures Kirsch·ner kirsh nər Martin (1879 1942) German surgeon. Kirschner was responsible for developing a number… …   Medical dictionary

  • Kirschner-Extension — Kịrschner Ex|tension [nach dem dt. Chirurgen Martin Kirschner, 1879 1942]: Extension des Oberschenkels bei der Behandlung eines Oberschenkelbruchs unter Anwendung des sog. Kirschner Drahtes, der operativ in das distale Ende des… …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • kirschner value — ˈkirshnər noun Usage: usually capitalized K Etymology: from the name Kirschner : a value similar to a Reichert value that indicates the content in a fat of the water soluble fatty acids (as butyric acid) having soluble silver salts …   Useful english dictionary

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