- Kairomone
Une kairomone est une substance sémiochimique produite par un être vivant, libérée dans l'environnement, qui déclenche une réponse comportementale chez une autre espèce et dont l'effet est négatif pour l'espèce émettrice. Ainsi les odeurs émises par un insecte et qui permettent à ses parasites de le localiser sont des kairomones.
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Kairomone — A kairomone is a chemical substance produced and released by a living organism that benefits the receiver and disadvantages the donor. The kairomone improves the fitness of the recipient and in this respect differs from an allomone. An example of … Wikipedia
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kairomone — noun Etymology: Greek kairos critical time, opportunity + English mone (as in pheromone) Date: 1970 a chemical substance emitted by one species and especially an insect or plant that has an adaptive benefit (as a stimulus for oviposition) to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
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kairomone — A subclass of pheromone, defined as an interspecific secretion which benefits the receiver. See allomone … Dictionary of molecular biology
kairomone — noun Any substance produced by an individual of one species that benefits the recipient which is of a different species … Wiktionary
kairomone — kai·ro·mone … English syllables
kairomone — ˈkīrəˌmōn, rō Etymology: Greek kairos critical time, opportunity, advantage + English o + mone (as in pheromone herein) more at kairos : a chemical substance emitted by one species and especially an insect or plant that has an adaptive benefit… … Useful english dictionary
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