- Judah
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homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Juda est une graphie de la translitération du nom et prénom hébreu Yehoudah (יְהוּדָה), employée aux usages suivants en français :
Voir aussi Judas.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Judah de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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JUDAH — (Heb. יְהוּדָה), fourth son of Jacob and Leah. The biblical explanation of the name Judah connects it with thanksgiving and praise (Heb. אוֹדֶה, oʾdeh; Gen. 29:35). However, if one compares the names Judith (Gen. 26:34) and Jahdai (I Chron. 2:47) … Encyclopedia of Judaism
JUDAH — (Nesiah), nasi from about 230 to 270 C.E., son of Gamaliel III, and grandson of Judah ha Nasi. During his period of office the power of the nasi began to decline and the struggle between him and the scholars became intensified. Judah and his… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Judah II — was a famous Jewish sage who lived in Tiberias in the Land of Israel, in the middle of the third century CE. He is mentioned in the classical works of Judaism s oral law, the Mishnah and Talmud.There he is variously called Judah, Judah Nesi ah ( … Wikipedia
JUDAH IV — (fl. c. 385–400 C.E.), patriarch, son of gamaliel V. Very little is known about him, and even that little is doubtful. He seems to have been unpopular with contemporary rabbis, and when his sister Mana died, a leading Palestinian scholar refused… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
JUDAH — JUDAH, surname of at least three colonial American families not known to be related. New York Judahs BARUCH JUDAH (c. 1678–1774), who was born in Breslau, founded a family appearing in New York, Newport, Rhode Island, and Richmond, Virginia, in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Judah — ist der Name folgender Personen: Mel Judah (* 1947), australischer Pokerspieler Zab Judah (* 1977), US amerikanischer Boxer Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begr … Deutsch Wikipedia
Judah — [jo͞o′də] n. [Heb yehūdhāh, lit., praised] 1. a masculine name: dim. Jude; fem. Judith 2. Bible a) Jacob s fourth son, whose mother was Leah: Gen. 29:35 b) the tribe descended from him, the strongest of the twelve tribes of Israel: Num. 1:26 3.… … English World dictionary
Judah IV — held the office of Nasi of the ancient Jewish Sanhedrin between 385 and 400 CE, following Gamaliel V. He was succeeded by Gamaliel VI, the last occupant of the office. References … Wikipedia
Judah — m Biblical name, possibly meaning ‘praised’ in Hebrew, borne by the fourth son of Jacob (Genesis 29: 35), who gave his name to one of the twelve tribes of Israel and to one of its two kingdoms. Cognate: Hebrew: Yehuda … First names dictionary
Judah — masc. proper name, biblical son of Jacob by Leah, also the name of a tribe of Israel, from Heb. Yehudah, from stem of y d h, lit. praised … Etymology dictionary
Judah — Infobox Given Name Revised name = Judah imagesize= caption= pronunciation= gender = meaning = region = origin = related names = footnotes = Judah (Hebrew: יְהוּדָה, Standard Hebrew: Yəhuda ; Tiberian vocalization:unicode|Yəhûḏāh, Celebrated,… … Wikipedia