John Newton

John Newton
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John Newton est le nom de plusieurs personnages :

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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:

  • John Newton — John Henry Newton (July 24, 1725 ndash; December 21, 1807) was an Englishman, Anglican clergyman and former slave ship captain. He was the author of many hymns, including Amazing Grace. Early lifeJohn Newton was born in Wapping, London, in 1725,… …   Wikipedia

  • John Newton —     John Newton     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► John Newton     A soldier and engineer, born at Norfolk, Virginia, 24 August, 1823; died in New York City, 1 May, 1895. He was the son of General Thomas Newton and Margaret Jordan. In 1838 he was… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • John Newton — John Newton. John Newton (24 de julio de 1725 21 de diciembre de 1807) fue un autor inglés de himnos conocido sobre todo por el himno más conocido para la tradición angloparlante cristiana: Amazing Grace ( Sublime Gracia ). Biografía La primera… …   Wikipedia Español

  • John Newton (engineer) — John Newton (August 25, 1822 ndash; May 1, 1895) was a career engineer officer in the United States Army, a Union general in the American Civil War, and Chief of the Corps of Engineers.Early lifeNewton was born in Norfolk, Virginia, a city his… …   Wikipedia

  • John Newton (disambiguation) — John Newton refers to:*John Newton (1725–1807), English slaveship master and Anglican clergyman, author of “Amazing Grace” *John Haymes Newton (b. 1965), American actor *John Newton (engineer) (1822–1895), U.S. Army engineer and Civil War general …   Wikipedia

  • John newton (1725-1807) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir John Newton. John Newton …   Wikipédia en Français

  • John newton (1622-1678) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Newton et John Newton. John Newton est un mathématicien et astronome anglais, né en 1622 et mort en 1679. Il fut partisan de la réforme de l éducation britannique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • John Newton Mitchell — (* 15. September 1913 in Detroit, Michigan; † 9. November 1988 in New York City) war der einzige US Justizminister, der nachweislich in illegale Aktivitäten verstrickt war und deshalb verurteilt und eingesperrt wurde. Leben John N. Mitchell wurde …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Newton Brown — (June 29, 1803 ndash; May 14, 1868), was an influential Baptist teacher, minister and publisher in the 19th century.He was born in New London, Connecticut and attended Madison College (now known as Colgate University) where he graduated at the… …   Wikipedia

  • John Newton — John Henry Newton, Jr. John Henry Newton, Jr. (* 24. Juli 1725 in London; † 21. Dezember 1807 ebenda) war Sklavenhändler, erlebte 1748 eine Bekehrung und sprach sich dann gegen Sklaverei aus. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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