
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page dhomonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.

Le nom Javelin s'applique à des produits de plusieurs domaines :

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Javelin de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:

  • Javelin — ist die englische Bezeichnung für Wurfspeer. Auf diesen Begriff greifen mehrere assoziative Produktbezeichnungen: Argo D 4 und Nike Javelin, US Höhenforschungsraketen Dennis Javelin, ein Fahrgestell für Reisebusse FGM 148 Javelin, US Panzerabwehr …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Javelin — Jave lin, n. [F. javeline; akin to Sp. jabalina, It. giavelina, and F. javelot, OF. gavlot. Cf. {Gavelock}.] 1. A sort of light spear, to be thrown or cast by the hand; anciently, a weapon of war used by horsemen and foot soldiers; now used… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • javelin — [jav′lin, jav′ə lin] n. [MFr javeline, fem. dim. < javelot, a spear, prob. < Gaul * gabalaccos < IE base * ghabh(o)lo , forked branch, fork > OE gafol, Ger gabel] 1. a light spear for throwing 2. a) a pointed wooden or metal shaft,… …   English World dictionary

  • Javelin — Jave lin, v. t. To pierce with a javelin. [R.] Tennyson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • javelin — late 15c., from M.Fr. javeline (15c.), fem. dim. of O.Fr. javelot a spear, probably from Gaulish (Cf. O.Ir. gabul fork; Welsh gafl fork, gaflach feathered spear ), ultimately from PIE *ghabholo a fork, branch of a tree. Also found in Italian… …   Etymology dictionary

  • javelin — ► NOUN ▪ a long, light spear thrown in a competitive sport or as a weapon. ORIGIN Old French javeline, of Celtic origin …   English terms dictionary

  • Javelin — For the athletic event, see Javelin throw. For other uses see Javelin (disambiguation) A javelin is a light spear designed primarily for casting as a ranged weapon. The javelin is almost always thrown by hand unlike the arrow and slingshot which… …   Wikipedia

  • Javelin — Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste aquí a través de un enlace interno, quizá desees corregirlo de modo que apunte al artículo apropiado. Javelin puede referirse a …   Wikipedia Español

  • javelin — [[t]ʤæ̱vlɪn[/t]] javelins 1) N COUNT A javelin is a long spear that is used in sports competitions. Competitors try to throw the javelin as far as possible. 2) N SING: the N You can refer to the competition in which the javelin is thrown as the… …   English dictionary

  • Javelin — ПТРК Javelin  переносной противотанковый ракетный комплекс ПЗРК Javelin  переносной зенитно ракетный комплекс Gloster Javelin  британский дозвуковой всепогодный истребитель перехватчик Поезд Javelin  высокоскоростной… …   Википедия

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