James Atkinson
- James Atkinson
James Atkinson est le créateur du projet open source phpBB, une plate-forme de forum internet en PHP. Il a lancé le projet en 2000 dans le but de diversifier l'offre logicielle alors limitée dans ce domaine.
phpBB a été depuis constamment amélioré et a évolué grâce à un grand nombre de développeur et à une communauté très active. Il forme aujourd'hui la majeure partie des forums internet. James Atkinson a démissionné de son projet le 30 avril 2007.
Il vit à ce jour à Edmonton, en Alberta, une province du Canada, avec sa femme et son fils, tout en vendant des catalogues en ligne pour une agence de voyage. Il est également avocat spécialisé dans la défense des projets open source.
Catégories : - Personnalité américaine en informatique
- Créateur de logiciel
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article James Atkinson de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
James Atkinson — may refer to:* James Atkinson (software developer), founder of the phpBB project * James Atkinson (inventor), inventor of the Single Stroke combustion engine in 1882 * James Atkinson (translator), published one of the earliest translations of the … Wikipedia
James Atkinson — James Atkinson † Catholic Encyclopedia ► James Atkinson Catholic confessor, tortured to death in Bridewell prison in 1595. His pathetic and romantic story tells us nothing of his early life, but he is found in the Bridewell prison,… … Catholic encyclopedia
James Atkinson — ist der Name folgender Personen: James Atkinson (Erfinder) (1846–1914), britischer Erfinder James Atkinson (Theologe) (1914–2011), britischer Theologe James Atkinson (Bobsportler) (1929–2010), US amerikanischer Bobsportler James B. Atkinson (*… … Deutsch Wikipedia
James Atkinson (JP) — James Atkinson was the first mayor of Crewe, England. [cite web |title=Mayors of Crewe |url=http://www.crewe nantwich.gov.uk/your council/civic information/mayors of crewe.aspx |publisher=Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council] References … Wikipedia
James Atkinson (inventor) — James Atkinson was a British engineer who invented the Atkinson cycle engine in 1882. By use of variable engine strokes from a complex crankshaft, Atkinson was able to increase the efficiency of his engine, at the cost of some power, over the… … Wikipedia
James Atkinson (boxer) — John James Clark Atkinson (born February 26, 1915) is an American boxer who competed in the 1936 Summer Olympics.He was born in Norfolk, Virginia.In 1936 he was eliminated in the quarter finals of the middleweight class after losing his fight to… … Wikipedia
James Atkinson (bobsleigh) — James Neil Atkinson (born January 10, 1929) was an American bobsledder who competed in the early 1950s. He won a silver medal in the four man event at the 1952 Winter Olympics in Oslo.Atkinson also won two medals in the four man event at the FIBT … Wikipedia
Atkinson — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Al Atkinson (* 1943), US amerikanischer Footballspieler Alia Atkinson (* 1988), jamaikanische Schwimmerin Anthony Atkinson (* 1944), britischer Ökonom Archibald Atkinson (1792–1872), US amerikanischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Atkinson (surname) — Atkinson is a surname, and may refer to:* Al Atkinson, American football player * Alan Atkinson, Australian Rules footballer * Alfred Atkinson, British soldier * Anthony Barnes Atkinson, British economist * Arthur Atkinson, Fictional character… … Wikipedia
Atkinson cycle — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia