Alistair Cockburn
- Alistair Cockburn
Alistair Cockburn est un des initiateurs du principe de développement logiciel « agile ». Il est diplômé de l'Université d'Oslo en 2003.
Il est à l'origine de la méthode de gestion de projet Crystal clear et d'une méthode de classification de projets: Cockburn Scale (en).
- Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game, Alistair Cockburn, 2nd edition, octobre 2006, (ISBN 0321482751 et 978-0321482754)
- Crystal Clear : A Human-Powered Methodology for Small Teams, Alistair Cockburn, 2004, (ISBN 0-201-69947-8)
- People and Methodologies in Software Development, Alistair Cockburn, février 2003, disponible en ligne
- Patterns for Effective Use Cases, Steve Adolph, Paul Bramble, with Alistair Cockburn, Andy Pols contributors, 2002, (ISBN 0-201-72184-8)
- Agile Software Development, Alistair Cockburn, 2001, (ISBN 0-201-69969-9)
- Writing Effective Use Cases, Alistair Cockburn, 2000, (ISBN 0-201-70225-8)
- Surviving Object-Oriented Projects, Alistair Cockburn, 1997, (ISBN 0-201-49834-0)
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Alistair Cockburn de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Alistair Cockburn — (his last name is pronounced Co burn in the Scottish way, making it with that of the actor James Coburn), is one of the initiators of the Agile movement in software development, helping write the Agile software development manifesto in 2001 and… … Wikipedia
Alistair Cockburn — (Aussprache des Nachnamens: wie „Coburn“, * 19. November 1953) ist ein US amerikanischer Informatiker. Er gehört zu den Vordenkern der agilen Softwareentwicklung und zu den Urhebern des Agilen Manifestes. Darüber hinaus stammt von ihm die Crystal … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cockburn (surname) — Cockburn, often (or usually) pronounced /ˈkoʊbərn/, is a Scottish surname that originated in the Borders region of the Scottish Lowlands. In the United States most members of the same family have adopted the simplified spelling Coburn . The… … Wikipedia
Cockburn — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alexander Cockburn (Botschafter) (1776–1852), britischer Diplomat Alexander Cockburn, 12. Baronet (1802–1880), englischer Anwalt, Politiker und Richter Alexander Cockburn (* 1941), irischer Journalist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cockburn Scale — The Cockburn Scale, also known as the Project Classification Scale, is a method of describing how much formal process a software project requires. The scale was described in Alistair Cockburn s book Agile Software Development. According to the… … Wikipedia
Cockburn City — Football club infobox clubname = Cockburn City fullname = Cockburn City nickname = founded = 1929 ground = Dalmatinac Park, Spearwood, Western Australia capacity = 2,000 chairman = Joe Dos Santos manager = league = Vodafone State League season =… … Wikipedia
Use case — A use case is a description of a system’s behaviour as it responds to a request that originates from outside of that system.The use case technique is used in software and systems engineering to capture the functional requirements of a system. Use … Wikipedia
Good Unit Tests — (GUTs) is a term suggested by Alistair Cockburn to expand the vocabulary of software developers already familiar with TDD (Test Driven Development). GUTs is to help developers who TDD, and those who write unit test after the code, come and talk… … Wikipedia
Use Case — Beispiel eines Anwendungsfalldiagramms in der Unified Modeling Language. Die beiden Anwendungsfälle SMS verschicken und Fotomessage verschicken eines Mobilfunkbetreibers sind spezifiziert. Ein Anwendungsfall (engl. Use Case) definiert alle… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Use case — Beispiel eines Anwendungsfalldiagramms in der Unified Modeling Language. Die beiden Anwendungsfälle SMS verschicken und Fotomessage verschicken eines Mobilfunkbetreibers sind spezifiziert. Ein Anwendungsfall (engl. Use Case) definiert alle… … Deutsch Wikipedia