- Heymans
Heymans est un nom porté par plusieurs personnalités :
- Émilie Heymans, plongeuse
- Cédric Heymans, joueur de rugby à XV
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Heymans est un nom porté par plusieurs personnalités :
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Heymans de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Heymans — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Adriaan Joseph Heymans (1839–1921), belgischer Maler Bas Heymans (* 1960), niederländischer Comic Zeichner Cédric Heymans (* 1978), französischer Rugbyspieler Corneille Heymans (1892–1968), belgischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Heymans — is a surname and may refer to:* Cédric Heymans, French rugby player * Corneille Heymans (1892 1968), Belgian physiologist ** Heymans (crater), a lunar impact crater, named after him * Émilie Heymans * Gerardus Heymans * Mau Heymansee also*… … Wikipedia
Heymans — [ hɛi̯mans], Cornelius (Corneille) Jean François, belgischer Physiologe, * Gent 28. 3. 1892, ✝ Knokke 18. 7. 1968; ab 1930 Professor in Gent, gleichzeitig Direktor des nach ihm benannten Heymans Inst. für Pharmakologie; beschäftigte sich… … Universal-Lexikon
Heymans — Heymans, Corneille … Enciclopedia Universal
Heymans — (Cornelius) (1892 1968) médecin et pharmacologue belge. P. Nobel de médecine 1938 pour ses travaux sur l appareil respiratoire … Encyclopédie Universelle
HEYMANS, GERARDUS F. — HEYMANS, GERARDUS F. (1857–1930), Dutch psychologist and philosopher born at Ferward in Frisia. He was the co founder of the psychological laboratory of Louvain in Belgium (1891) and founded the laboratory at Groningen in Holland (1893), where he … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Heymans , Corneille Jean François — (1892–1968) Belgian physiologist and pharmacologist Heymans was educated at the university in his native city of Ghent, where his father was professor of pharmacology, obtaining his MD in 1920. He began as a pharmacology lecturer there in 1923… … Scientists
Heymans (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=75.3 N or S=N longitude=144.1 E or W=W diameter=50 km depth= Unknown colong=144 eponym=Corneille J. F. HeymansHeymans is a lunar impact crater that is located in the northern part of the Moon on the far side from the… … Wikipedia
Heymans, Corneille — ▪ Belgian physiologist in full Corneille Jean François Heymans born March 28, 1892, Ghent, Belg. died July 18, 1968, Knokke Belgian physiologist who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1938 for his discovery of the… … Universalium
Heymans — biographical name Corneille Jean François 1892 1968 Belgian physiologist … New Collegiate Dictionary