Head & Shoulders
- Head & Shoulders
Head & Shoulders
Logotype de Head &
Head &
Shoulders shampoing
Head & Shoulders est une marque de shampoing appartenant à Procter & Gamble dégageant plus d'un milliard de dollars de chiffres d'affaires sur l'année 2007. Elle est la deuxième marque de shampoing la plus vendue dans le monde[1].
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Catégorie : Procter & Gamble
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Head & Shoulders de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Head & Shoulders — is a brand of anti dandruff shampoo produced by Procter Gamble. Head Shoulders Classic Clean Shampoo is the top selling shampoo in the United States by Dollar Sales.HistoryProcter Gamble researchers first decided on making a new anti dandruff… … Wikipedia
Head & Shoulders — Head Shoulders shampoo Head Shoulders ist ein von Procter Gamble produziertes Shampoo gegen Schuppen. Procter Gambles Forscher entschieden sich im Jahr 1950, ein neues Antischuppenshampoo zu entwickeln, als klar wurde, dass die damaligen Produkte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Head & Shoulders — Shampoo. Head Shoulders (H S) es el nombre de una famosa marca de shampoo anticaspa producido por Procter Gamble. En 1950 los investigadores de Procter Gamble decidieron crear un nuevo shampoo anticaspa ya que no existía en el mercado ningún… … Wikipedia Español
Head & Shoulders — ist ein von Procter Gamble produziertes Shampoo gegen Schuppen. Eine Studie, ausgeführt vom medizinischen Zentrum der Universität Lüttich, erwies, dass der Wirkstoff Zink Pyrithion gegenüber dem Wirkstoff mancher Konkurrenzprodukte, Ketoconazol,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Head & Shoulders — Logotype de Head Shoulders. Head Shoulders shampoing Head Shoulders est une marque de … Wikipédia en Français
Head & shoulders — In technical analysis, a chart formation in which a stock price reaches a peak and declines, rises above its former peak and again declines and rises again but not to the second peak and then again declines. The first and third peaks are… … Financial and business terms
head & shoulders — In technical analysis, a pattern that results where a stock price reaches a peak and declines; rises above its former peak and again declines; and rises a third time but not to the second peak, and then again declines. The first and third peaks… … Financial and business terms
head \& shoulders — Testa e Spalle Modello o sistema di prezzo che caratterizza generalmente le inversioni di tendenza. Quando si verifica in corrispondenza dei punti di svolta superiori, presenta generalmente tre massimi di cui quello centrale (testa) maggiore… … Glossario di economia e finanza
Head \x26 Shoulders — Head Shoulders Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Head Shoulders champú Head Shoulders (H S) es el nombre de una famosa marca de champú anticaspa producido por Procter Gamble. En 1950 los investigadores de Procter Gamble decidiero … Wikipedia Español
Head and Shoulders — may refer to:*Head and Shoulders, a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald first published in 1920 *Head Shoulders, a shampoo brand *Head and shoulders, a chart pattern employed in technical analysis, which is a method of stock market prediction … Wikipedia