Hardy Boys
- Hardy Boys
The Hardy Boys
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
- The Hardy Boys, titre original des Frères Hardy, une série de romans policiers pour la jeunesse d'Edward Stratemeyer ;
- The Hardy Boys, un film de Hal Sutherland sorti en 1969 ;
- Hardy Boyz, une équipe de catch à la WWE.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Hardy Boys de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Hardy Boys — Hardy Boys, the the main characters in a series of US books known as The Hardy Boys Mysteries, the first of which was written in 1927. The Hardy Boys are two brave young brothers called Frank and Joe Hardy who are always getting involved in… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Hardy Boys — Die Hardy Boys ist eine Kriminalromanserie für Jugendliche. Sie handelt von den Abenteuern der Brüder Frank und Jan Hardy. Die Hardy Boys sind in mehr als 25 Sprachen übersetzt worden. Der erste Band stand 2001 an 55. Stelle der meistverkauften… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hardy Boys — two young brothers, Frank and Joe Hardy, who are characters in a US series of mystery adventure books for boys. They were created by Edward Stratemeyer, who also created Nancy Drew, though the early books were mostly written by Franklin W Dixon.… … Universalium
Frank Hardy (The Hardy Boys) — Hardy Boys Character name= Frank Hardy caption= Frank as as portrayed by Parker Stevenson in the 1970 s TV show, The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries gender= Male hometown= Bayport occupation= ATAC agent affiliation= The Network, ATAC relatives=… … Wikipedia
Fenton Hardy (The Hardy Boys) — Hardy Boys Character name= Fenton Hardy gender= Male hometown= Bayport occupation= Private investigator affiliation= ATAC relatives= Wife: Laura Hardy Sons: Frank Hardy, Joe Hardy Sister: Gertrude Hardy first appearance= The Hardy Boys #1 The… … Wikipedia
The Gray Man (The Hardy Boys) — Hardy Boys Character name= Arthur E. Gray gender= Male hometown= occupation= Network agent affiliation= The Network relatives= appearance= The Hardy Boys Casefiles #1 Dead on Target (1987)Arthur E. Gray aka The Gray Man is a fictional character… … Wikipedia
List of The Hardy Boys characters — Many characters have appeared in the fictional series of books about The Hardy Boys. Contents 1 Frank Hardy 1.1 Character history 1.1.1 Original series 1.1.2 Casefiles … Wikipedia
The Hardy Boys — is a juvenile detective/adventure series, chronicling the fictional adventures of teenage brothers Frank and Joe Hardy. The original Hardy Boys series was produced by Stratemeyer Syndicate, published by Grosset Dunlap, and written by many… … Wikipedia
List of Hardy Boys books — Contents 1 The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories (Original) (1927–1979) 2 The Hardy Boys Mystery Stories (Digests) (1979–2005) 3 The Hardy Boys Casefiles (1987–1998) … Wikipedia
Minor Characters in The Hardy Boys — Many minor characters have appeared in The Hardy Boys. Mrs. Conrad:First Appearance: The Hardy Boys Undercover Brothers #5 Rocky Road (2005) Mrs. Conrad is the mother of Brian and Belinda Conrad. [ [http://www.hardyboyscasefiles.com/index.php?nav … Wikipedia