- Halifa Sallah
Gambie Cet article fait partie de la série sur la
politique de la Gambie,
sous-série sur la politique.- Président
- Vice-président
- Assemblée nationale
- Élections
- Partis politiques
- Politique étrangère
- Droits de l'homme
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Halifa Sallah de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Halifa Sallah — is a Gambian political leader. He was the Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly and a member of the Pan African Parliament. He represented the constituency Serrekunda Central until the 25 January 2007 National Assembly election, in which… … Wikipedia
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Hamat Bah — is a Gambian politician and leader of the National Reconciliation Party (NRP). Running as his party s presidential candidate in 2001, he placed third, winning 7.8% of the vote. He was previously a hotel worker before joining politics.In January… … Wikipedia
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Gambia, The — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction ::Gambia, The <p></p> Background: <p></p> The Gambia gained its independence from the UK in 1965. Geographically surrounded by Senegal, it formed a short lived… … The World Factbook