- Halcyon
Le genre Halcyon regroupe des espèces d'oiseaux connues sous le nom de martins-chasseurs et appartenant à la famille des alcedinidae.
Liste des espèces
- Halcyon albiventris (Scopoli, 1786) — Martin-chasseur à tête brune
- Halcyon badia J. Verreaux et E. Verreaux, 1851 — Martin-chasseur marron
- Halcyon chelicuti (Stanley, 1814) — Martin-chasseur strié
- Halcyon coromanda (Latham, 1790) — Martin-chasseur violet
- Halcyon cyanoventris (Vieillot, 1818) — Martin-chasseur de Java
- Halcyon leucocephala (Statius Muller, 1776) — Martin-chasseur à tête grise
- Halcyon malimbica (Shaw, 1811) — Martin-chasseur à poitrine bleue
- Halcyon pileata (Boddaert, 1783) — Martin-chasseur à coiffe noire
- Halcyon senegalensis (Linnaeus, 1766) — Martin-chasseur du Sénégal
- Halcyon senegaloides A. Smith, 1834 — Martin-chasseur des mangroves
- Halcyon smyrnensis (Linnaeus, 1758) — Martin-chasseur de Smyrne
Références externes
Portail de l’ornithologie
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Halcyon de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Halcyon — (IPAEng|ˈhælsiən), a term that originates from the Greek myth of Alcyone, is used most often to mean golden or marked by peace and prosperity. Halcyon may refer to:Birds * Halcyon (genus), a type of bird * Tree kingfisher, a family of birds… … Wikipedia
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Halcyon — Hal cy*on (h[a^]l s[i^]*[o^]n), n. [L. halcyon, alcyon, Gr. alkyw n, alkyw n: cf. F. halcyon.] (Zo[ o]l.) A kingfisher. By modern ornithologists restricted to a genus including a limited number of species having omnivorous habits, as the sacred… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
halcyon — (adj.) 1540s, in halcyon dayes (L. alcyonei dies, Gk. alkyonides hemerai), 14 days of calm weather at the winter solstice, when a mythical bird (identified with the kingfisher) was said to breed in a nest floating on calm seas. From halcyon (n.) … Etymology dictionary
halcyon — [hal′sē ən] n. [ME alcioun < L alcyon < Gr alkyōn, kingfisher, altered by folk etym. after Gr hals, sea] 1. a legendary bird, identified with the kingfisher, which is supposed to have a peaceful, calming influence on the sea at the time of… … English World dictionary
Halcyon — Hal cy*on, a. 1. Pertaining to, or resembling, the halcyon, which was anciently said to lay her eggs in nests on or near the sea during the calm weather about the winter solstice. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: Calm; quiet; peaceful; undisturbed; happy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
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halcyon — ● halcyon nom masculin (de alcyon) Grand oiseau (martin chasseur) des régions tropicales de l Ancien Monde, se nourrissant d insectes, de lézards, de rongeurs, etc. halcyon [alsjɔ̃] n. m. ÉTYM. 1863, Littré; halcion, 1519; var. hellénisante de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
halcyon — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a past time) idyllically happy and peaceful: halcyon days. ORIGIN originally denoting a mythical bird (usually identified with a species of kingfisher) said to breed in a nest floating at sea, charming the wind and waves into… … English terms dictionary
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