- Hakam
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Il y a deux mots dans la langue arabe :
Hâkim (arabe : حاكم ḥākim, Hâkim; souverain; juge; gouverneur)
Hakîm (arabe : حكيم ḥakīm, sage; médecin)
Portail du monde arabe
Catégories : Homonymie | Homonymie de prénom | Prénom arabe
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Hakam de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Hakam — may refer to:*Hakam or The National Human Rights Society, a Malaysian human rights organization *Hakham, a wise man, in Judaism … Wikipedia
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Hakam — Hakam, Fürsten von Cordoba, s. Hakem … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
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ḤAKAM AL — ḤAKAM AL, Baghdad family, members of which were rabbis of the community from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Moses Ḥayyim (1756–1837), rabbi and halakhic authority, was born in Baghdad. He served as rabbi of Basra for several years, and then from … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Hakam Balawi — Hakam Umar As‘ad Balawi (1939 ) is a Palestinian politician and has been a member of the Palestinian National Authority cabinet and the Palestinian Legislative Council. He was born in the town of Bal a, near Tulkarm in British Mandate Palestine.… … Wikipedia
Hakam — Hạkam, eigentlich al Hạkam, Name omaijad. Herrscher in Spanien: 1) Hạkam I., Emir von Córdoba (seit 796), * Córdoba 770, ✝ ebenda 21. 5. 822; Sohn Hischams I.; behauptete trotz Aufständen im Land und in der Hauptstadt die Einheit des… … Universal-Lexikon
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Al-Hakam II — calife de Cordoue vie : 915 976 règne : 961 976 Omeyyades de Cordoue Émirat de Cordoue Califat de Cordoue Histoire d al A … Wikipédia en Français