Gone with the Wind
- Gone with the Wind
Autant en emporte le vent
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
- Autant en emporte le vent (Gone with the Wind, 1936), roman américain de Margaret Mitchell.
- Autant en emporte le vent (1939), film adapté du roman, réalisé par Victor Fleming.
- Gone with the Wind, chanson populaire écrite par Allie Wrubel et Herb Magidson (1937), et devenue un standard du jazz.
- Autant en emporte le vent (2003), comédie musicale française.
- Gone With The Wind, album de 1956 du Dave Brubeck Quartet.
- The Wind Done Gone (Le vent s'en est allé), roman parodique d'Alice Randall reprenant l'histoire et les personnages du livre de Margaret Mitchell, mais du point de vue des esclaves.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Gone with the Wind de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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gone with the wind — {adj. phr.} Gone forever; past; vanished. * /All the Indians who used to live here are gone with the wind./ * /Joe knew that his chance to get an A was gone with the wind when he saw how hard the test was./ Compare: DOWN THE DRAIN … Dictionary of American idioms
gone with the wind — {adj. phr.} Gone forever; past; vanished. * /All the Indians who used to live here are gone with the wind./ * /Joe knew that his chance to get an A was gone with the wind when he saw how hard the test was./ Compare: DOWN THE DRAIN … Dictionary of American idioms
Gone With the Wind — /wind/ a novel (1936) by Margaret Mitchell. * * * Gone with the Wind [Gone with the Wind] a popular US novel (1936) by Margaret Mitchell that won the ↑Pulitzer Prize. In 1939 it was made into one of the most successful films ever made, winning 10 … Useful english dictionary
Gone with the Wind — ist der englische Originaltitel des Romans Vom Winde verweht von Margaret Mitchell der gleichnamigen Verfilmung aus dem Jahr 1939, siehe Vom Winde verweht (Film) des von Margaret Mitchells Roman inspirierten Songs aus dem Jahr 1937, siehe Gone… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gone with the Wind — (1939) a US film, based on a novel by Margaret Mitchell. Many people think it is one of the greatest romantic films ever made. It tells the story of a beautiful, determined woman called Scarlett O Hara, acted by Vivien Leigh, who lives in Georgia … Dictionary of contemporary English
Gone with the Wind — This article is about the novel. For the film, see Gone with the Wind (film). For other uses, see Gone with the Wind (disambiguation). Gone With the Wind … Wikipedia
Gone With the Wind — Эпизод «Шоу Кливленда» «Gone With the Wind» … Википедия
Gone With the Wind — Autant en emporte le vent Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Autant en emporte le vent (Gone with the Wind, 1936), roman américain de Margaret Mitchell. Autant en emporte le vent (1939),… … Wikipédia en Français
Gone with the wind — Autant en emporte le vent Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Autant en emporte le vent (Gone with the Wind, 1936), roman américain de Margaret Mitchell. Autant en emporte le vent (1939),… … Wikipédia en Français
gone\ with\ the\ wind — adj. phr. Gone forever; past; vanished. All the Indians who used to live here are gone with the wind. Joe knew that his chance to get an A was gone with the wind when he saw how hard the test was. Compare: down the drain … Словарь американских идиом