- Ginzburg

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homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Le nom de Ginzburg est celui de plusieurs personnalités (par ordre alphabétique) :
- Alexander Ginzburg, dissident et poète soviétique
- Bonni Ginzburg, footballeur israélien
- Carlo Ginzburg, historien italien, fils de Natalia Ginzburg et de Leone Ginzburg
- Grigory Ginzburg, pianiste russe
- Leone Ginzburg, journaliste et activiste antifasciste italien
- Natalia Ginzburg (née Levi), romancière italienne
- Vitaly Ginzburg, physicien russe lauréat du prix Nobel de physique en 2003 et auteur de la Théorie de Ginzburg-Landau
- Carlos Ginzburg, artiste argentin et français, pionnier de l'art fractal
Voir également
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Ginzburg de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Ginzburg — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Carlo Ginzburg (* 1939), italienischer Historiker Esti Ginzburg (* 1990), israelisches Model und Schauspielerin Ilja Jakowlewitsch Ginzburg (1859–1939), russischer Bildhauer Jewgenija Semjonowna Ginsburg… … Deutsch Wikipedia
GINZBURG (N.) — GINZBURG NATALIA (1916 1991) Natalia Ginzburg naît à Palerme, où son père, Giuseppe Levi, originaire de Trieste, enseigne la biologie à 1’université. Mariée à Leone Ginzburg, militant antifasciste dans les rangs de Giustizia e Libertà, elle le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ginzburg — es el apellido de: Carlo Ginzburg (n. 1939), historiador italiano; Leone Ginzburg (1909 1944), escritor italiano, padre de Carlo Ginzburg; Natalia Ginzburg (1916 1991), escritora italiana, madre de Carlo Ginzburg; Esta página de desambiguación… … Wikipedia Español
GINZBURG, NATALIA — (1917–1991), Italian novelist and playwright. Natalia Ginzburg, who was born in Palermo, was the daughter of the biologist, Giuseppe Levi, and a non Jewish mother. She studied in Turin, where her associates were the Jewish anti fascist… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
GINZBURG, SIMON — (1890–1944), poet and critic. Ginzburg was born in the village of Lipniki, Volhynia, where he received a traditional education. He published his first poem in Ha Shillo aḥ in 1910. In 1912 he settled in the U.S., studied at Columbia University,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
GINZBURG, VITALY LAZAREVICH — (1916– ), Russian physicist and Nobel laureate. Ginzburg was born in Moscow and obtained his Ph.D. in physics (1940) from Moscow State University. In 1941 he joined the Lebedev Physical Institute of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences (FIAN), where… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
GINZBURG, ISER — (1872–1947), Hebrew and Yiddish journalist, short story writer, and editor. Ginzburg was born in Develtov (Russia), and as a youth became influenced by the ideals of the haskalah . He settled in the U.S. in 1893, and graduated from Cornell… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ginzburg–Landau theory — In physics, Ginzburg–Landau theory is a mathematical theory used to model superconductivity. It does not purport to explain the microscopic mechanisms giving rise to superconductivity. Instead, it examines the macroscopic properties of a… … Wikipedia
Ginzburg, Vitaly Lazarevich — ▪ Russian physicist born October 4 [September 21, Old Style], 1916, Moscow, Russia Russian physicist and astrophysicist, who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2003 for his pioneering work on superconductivity. He shared the award with Alexey… … Universalium
Ginzburg, Ralph — ▪ 2007 American publisher, author, and photojournalist (b. Oct. 28, 1929, New York, N.Y. d. July 6, 2006, New York City), was at the centre of two highly publicized 1960s court cases involving freedom of speech rights. As the publisher of… … Universalium