- Gif
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homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
GIF, sigle composé des trois lettres G, I et F, peut vouloir dire :
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Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Gif de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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GIF — [Abk. für Graphics Interchange Format], ein Grafikformat zur Speicherung von Bilddateien; die Erweiterung von GIF Dateien ist ».gif«. Im Gegensatz zu unkomprimierten Bitmap Bildern werden GIF Dateien mit dem LZW Verfahren (LZ Kodierung)… … Universal-Lexikon
GIF — (jĭf, gĭf) A service mark used for a raster based color graphics file format, often used on the World Wide Web to store graphics. * * * in full Graphics Interchange Format Standard computer file format for graphic images. GIF files use data… … Universalium
gif — gif; gif·blaar; gif·o·la; man·gif·era; ran·gif·er·ine; spo·ran·gif·er·ous; ter·gif·er·ous; … English syllables
GIF — [gɪf] noun [uncountable] trademark COMPUTING Graphic Interchange Format a computer file containing images with up to 256 colours. GIF files are used especially on webs, but they are not considered suitable for professional pr … Financial and business terms
GIF — (Graphics Interchange Format) es un formato de imagen utilizado ampliamente en la World Wide Web, tanto para imágenes como para animaciones. El formato fue creado por CompuServe en 1987 para dotar de un formato de imagen a color para sus areas de … Enciclopedia Universal
GIF — GIF, n. [Acronym from Graphics Interchange Format.] (Computers) 1. The Graphics Interchange Format, one of the most popular standardized formats for storing graphic data in binary computer files. The standard has been revised several times, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gif — Gif, conj. [AS. See {If}.] If. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Note: Gif is the old form of if, and frequently occurs in the earlier English writers. See {If}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
GIF™ — 7 [GIF] [ɡɪf] [ɡɪf] noun (computing) the abbreviation for ‘Graphic Interchange Format ’ (a type of computer file that contains images and is used a lot on the Internet) … Useful english dictionary
GIF — [gıf] n technical graphics interchange format a type of computer ↑file that contains images and is used on the Internet … Dictionary of contemporary English
GIF — [ ,dʒi aı ef ] noun uncount COMPUTING Graphic Interchange Format: a type of computer file that contains an image. GIF is also used as part of a file name … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English