- Gelemso
Gelemso est une ville d'Éthiopie, située dans la zone Mirab Hararghe de la région Oromia. Elle se trouve à .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Gelemso est une ville d'Éthiopie, située dans la zone Mirab Hararghe de la région Oromia. Elle se trouve à .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Gelemso de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Gelemso — Infobox Settlement official name = Gelemso other name = native name = nickname = settlement type = motto = imagesize = image caption = flag size = image seal size = image shield = shield size = city logo = citylogo size = mapsize = map caption =… … Wikipedia
Gelemso — Original name in latin Gelemso Name in other language Galamso, Gelemso, Ghelemso, Ghelems State code ET Continent/City Africa/Addis Ababa longitude 8.81667 latitude 40.51667 altitude 1795 Population 16065 Date 2012 01 19 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Mohammed Zakir Meyra — was a legendary Oromo hero who is noted for his high contribution to keep the lights of Oromo nationalism shining after the martyrdom of his two hero colleagues called Elemo Kiltu and Ahmad Taqi. A son of the reverend Islamic Scholar Sheikh Umar… … Wikipedia
Ahmad Taqi Sheikh Mohammed Rashid — (May 14, 1940 September 6, 1974) was an Oromo nationalist. Early life Ahmad Taqi was one of the sons of the prominent Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Sheikh Bilal Choree. His mother was Mariyam Ahmad Hajji Salih Diimaa. He was born at Chirrati (Belbelti)… … Wikipedia
List of cities and towns in Ethiopia — Map of Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Capital of Ethiopia … Wikipedia
Siddiqui — Siddiqui, (also rendered as Siddiqi, Siddiquee, Siddighi, Seddighi or Siddiquie) (Arabic: صدیقی) is a Muslim family name. Shaikh is the title used by Siddiqui signifying their Arab heritage. Origin The name Siddiqui is derived from the word… … Wikipedia
Mirab Hararghe Zone — Mirab Hararghe (or West Hararge ) is one of the 17 Zones in the Ethiopian Region of Oromia. Mirab Hararghe takes its name from the former province of Hararghe. Mirab Harerge is bordered on the south by the Shebelle River which separates it from… … Wikipedia
Habro — is one of the 180 woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It is named after the former awraja of the same name. Part of the Mirab Hararghe Zone, Habro is bordered on the south by Darolebu, on the west and north by Guba Koricha, on the northeast … Wikipedia
Qallu — is a name given to the families who are believed to be descents of Abu Bakr al Siddiq, the first Caliph of Islam, and who are now living in many areas of Eastern Ethiopia. The Qallu are so named by Somali, Oromo and Harari peoples; within each of … Wikipedia
Sheikh Mohammed Rashad Abdulle — Dr. Sheikh Mohammed Rashad Abdulle (1929 ) is an Ethiopian Oromo scholar, whose works include a translation of the Qur an into Afan Oromo. Biography Shiekh Mohammed Rashad was born at Laga Arba village near the town of Gelemso, the son of Kabir… … Wikipedia