- Gangleri
Gylfi est le plus ancien roi de Scandinavie présent dans la mythologie nordique.
Catégorie : Roi légendaire de Suède
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Gylfi est le plus ancien roi de Scandinavie présent dans la mythologie nordique.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Gangleri de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Gangleri — may refer to a number of things: * one of Odin s many nicknames meaning the wanderer or Wayweary * the name of the ancient Swedish king Gylfi given while in disguise, as described in the book Gylfaginning collected in the Prose Edda * the name of … Wikipedia
Gangleri — Der Begriff Gangleri bezeichnet einen Beinamen Odins mit der Bedeutung der vom Gehen müde als eine Anspielung auf das mehrfache Auftreten Odins als Wanderer. den Tarnnamen des sagenhaften Schwedenkönigs Gylfi in Gylfaginning Täuschung Gylfis ,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gangleri — Une épithète d’Odin, signifiant le «Vagabond», terme usité à Midgard … Mythologie nordique
Valhalla — In Norse mythology, Valhalla (from Old Norse Valhöll hall of the slain Orchard (1997:171–172).] ) is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard, ruled over by the god Odin. Chosen by Odin, those that die in combat travel to Valhalla upon death,… … Wikipedia
Bifröst — For other uses, see Bifrost (disambiguation). The god Heimdallr stands before the rainbow bridge while blowing a horn (1905) by Emil Doepler. In Norse mythology, Bifröst or Bilröst is a burning rainbow bridge that reaches between Midgard (the… … Wikipedia
Fenrir — For other uses, see Fenrir (disambiguation). Odin and Fenris (1909) by Dorothy Hardy In Norse mythology, Fenrir (Old Norse: fen dweller ),[1] Fenrisúlfr (Old Norse: Fenris wolf ) … Wikipedia
Gylfaginning — or the Tricking of Gylfi (c. 20,000 words), is the first part of Snorri Sturluson s Prose Edda after Prologue. The Gylfaginning deals with the creation and destruction of the world of the Norse gods, and many other aspects of Norse mythology. Th … Wikipedia
Yggdrasil — For other uses, see Yggdrasil (disambiguation). The Ash Yggdrasil (1886) by Friedrich Wilhelm Heine. In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil ( … Wikipedia
Sól (Sun) — Sól (Old Norse Sun Orchard (1997:152).] ) or Sunna (Old High German Sun ) is the Sun personified in Germanic mythology. One of the two Old High German Merseburg Incantations, written in the 9th or 10th century CE, attests that Sunna is the sister … Wikipedia
Sól — «Sigel» redirige aquí. Para otras acepciones, véase Sigel (desambiguación). Los lobos persiguiendo a Sól y Máni (1909) de J. C. Dollman. Sól era, en la mitología nórdica, la Diosa del Sol, hija de Mundilfari y Glaur, y esposa de … Wikipedia Español