
Cet article court présente un sujet plus développé dans : Running back.

Fullback est une désignation particulière du poste de running back au football américain.

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  • Fullback — or Full back may refer to: * a position in various football games, including: ** Fullback (American football), in American football, a position in the offensive backfield ** Fullback (Australian rules football), in Australian rules football, a… …   Wikipedia

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  • fullback — [fool′bak΄] n. 1. Football one of the running backs, used typically for blocking 2. Soccer, Rugby, etc.Soccer Rugby etc. a defensive player who generally plays back in the defensive end of the field near the goal so as to prevent the opponent s… …   English World dictionary

  • Fullback — Puede referirse a: Fullback (fútbol americano) Fullback (fútbol australiano) Fullback (rugby) Otros usos Fullback: Designación OTAN del avión ruso e ataque y cazabombardero Sujói Su 34. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • fullback — UK [ˈfʊlbæk] / US [ˈfʊlˌbæk] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms fullback : singular fullback plural fullbacks 1) in sports such as football or hockey, a defensive position near your team s goal or a player in this position 2) in American… …   English dictionary

  • fullback — I noun 1. (football) the running back who plays the fullback position on the offensive team (Freq. 2) • Topics: ↑football, ↑football game • Hypernyms: ↑running back 2. ( …   Useful english dictionary

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