Full Alert
- Full Alert
Full Alert est un film hongkongais réalisé par Ringo Lam, sorti le 18 juillet 1997.
Un flic met la main sur un meurtrier. Petit à petit, il va acquérir la conviction que le meurtre en question n'est en fait que la première étape d'une opération de plus grande envergure. Il va alors donner tout ce qu'il a dans le ventre et dans le cœur pour résoudre cette affaire.
Fiche technique
- Lau Ching-wan : Inspecteur Pao
- Francis Ng : Mak Kwan
- Amanda Lee : Chung Lai-Hung
- Monica Chan : La femme de Pao
- Chin Kar-lok : Bill
- Peter Yung : Yung
- Jack Kao : The Taiwanese
- Marcus Fox : Ah sang
Liens externes
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Full Alert de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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full alert — ready for action (Military) … English contemporary dictionary
be put on full alert — be put on full/red alert be on full/red alert if soldiers are on full alert, they know that a situation is dangerous and are prepared to act immediately if necessary. The army was put on red alert as the peace talks began to break down … New idioms dictionary
be on full alert — be on full/red alert if soldiers are on full alert, they know that a situation is dangerous and are prepared to act immediately if necessary. The British flagship in the area went to battle stations and remained on full alert for twenty minutes … New idioms dictionary
on (full) alert — phrase ready to take action to deal with a dangerous situation All our forces are on full alert. Thesaurus: ready or about to do somethingsynonym Main entry: alert … Useful english dictionary
alert — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ heightened, high ▪ The country has put its troops on high alert. ▪ full ▪ amber, orange, red … Collocations dictionary
alert — I adj. alert to (alert to danger) II n. 1) to call an alert 2) to place, put (troops) on alert 3) to call off, cancel an alert 4) (a) full; preliminary; red alert (the troops were on full alert) 5) on (the) alert (to be on the alert) 6) (misc.)… … Combinatory dictionary
alert — a|lert1 [əˈlə:t US ə:rt] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: alerte, from Italian all erta on the watch ] 1.) giving all your attention to what is happening, being said etc ▪ The animal raised its head, suddenly alert. ▪ Taking notes is one… … Dictionary of contemporary English
alert — 1 adjective 1 always watching and ready to notice anything strange or unusual 2 able to think quickly and clearly: Despite her years, she still has a lively and alert mind. | Please remain alert and report any unattended luggage to the… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
alert — a|lert1 [ ə lɜrt ] adjective * 1. ) able to think in a clear and intelligent way: He s remarkably alert for his age. Regular exercise could help you to feel better, look better, and be more alert. 2. ) alert to paying attention to what is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
alert — I UK [əˈlɜː(r)t] / US [əˈlɜrt] adjective * 1) able to think in a clear and intelligent way She s remained physically fit and mentally alert. 2) paying attention to what is happening and ready to react quickly if necessary alert to: Parents must… … English dictionary