- Frend
Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (
réelles ou fictives)
partageant un même patronyme.
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Frend de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
frend — frȅnd m <N mn frèndovi, G frèndōvā> DEFINICIJA žarg. blizak poznanik s kojim se u druženju njeguju poštovanje, povjerenje i ljubav; prijatelj ETIMOLOGIJA engl. friend … Hrvatski jezični portal
frend — obs. form of friend … Useful english dictionary
Frend — This most unusual name is of early medieval English origin, and is one of that fascinating group of early surnames that were gradually created from the habitual use of nicknames. These were given in the first instance with reference to a variety… … Surnames reference
frénd — see fréond … Old to modern English dictionary
Charles Frend — Données clés Naissance 8 septembre 1909 Pulborough, Sussex (Royaume Uni) Nationalité … Wikipédia en Français
Charles Frend — (21 November 1909, Pulborough, Sussex – 8 January 1977) was an English film director. Charles Frend started his career at British International Pictures in 1931 and after editing Hitchcock s Waltzes from Vienna (1934) moved to Gaumont British… … Wikipedia
Ted Frend — Edward (Ted) Frend (November 3, 1916 September 6, 2006), born in South London, was a British motorcycle sports competitor from the late 1930s to the early 1950s, road racing with the AJS works team from 1948 to 1954.Early yearsIn 1932, employed… … Wikipedia
William Hugh Clifford Frend — The Reverend Professor W. H. C. Frend (11 January 1916 1 August 2005)Ecclesiastical historian; archaeologist; priest.Academic career* Haileybury College (scholar) * Keble College, Oxford (scholar, B.A. First class in Modern History 1937, M.A.… … Wikipedia
Charles Frend — (* 21. November 1909 in Pulborough, Sussex, England; † 8. Januar 1977 in London, England) war ein britischer Cutter und Regisseur. Leben Charles Frend wurde 1909 in Sussex, England, geboren. Nach dem Besuch der University of Oxford begann er 1931 … Deutsch Wikipedia
William Frend — may refer to:*William Frend (social reformer) *William Hugh Clifford Frend *William Frend De Morgan, potteree also*William Benedict Friend, retired bishop … Wikipedia