- Freesco
Freesco (qui vient de FREE ciSCO) est une distribution Linux très petite (MiniLinux), destinée à être utilisée comme firewall/routeur, ce qui permet le partage d'une connexion internet entre plusieurs ordinateurs d'un même réseau local. Elle peut être stockée sur une simple disquette 1,44 Mo, et nécessite un minimum de 8 Mo de RAM.
Liens externes
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Freesco de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Freesco — Разработчик Freesco Team Семейство ОС GNU/Linux Последняя версия 0.4.4 5 февраля, 2012 Состояние Current Веб сайт … Википедия
FREESCO — Infobox OS name = FREESCO caption = developer = Freesco Team family = Linux source model = Open source working state = Current latest release version = 0.3.8 latest release date = December 8, 2007 license = GNU General Public… … Wikipedia
Fdgw — Тип Router OS Разработчик Ken’ichi Fukamachi Операционная система на базе NetBSD Последняя версия 1.6.1 (2 февраля 2004) Лицензия BSD Сайт … Википедия
Mini Linux — (or Mini Linux Distribution ) is any Linux distribution that fits on memory card or a small number of floppy disks, usually one or two. Such distributions may be tailored to system rescue (recovering from a crash), setting up a firewall or router … Wikipedia
List of Linux distributions — This page provides general information about notable Linux distributions in the form of a categorized list. Distributions are organized into sections by the major distribution they are based on, or the package management system they are based… … Wikipedia
OpenWrt — 10.03.1 RC5 ( Backfire ) Company / developer OpenWrt Project OS family Unix like … Wikipedia
DD-WRT — s Web Interface Developer(s) Sebastian Gottschall / NewMedia NET … Wikipedia
Neighbornode — is a captive portal on a residential Wi Fi hotspot containing a message board. It is designed to make neighbors who share an internet connection know each other better. The message board can only be accessed within range of the hotspot.… … Wikipedia
My Little Duckaroo — Looney Tunes/Daffy Duck series The title card. Directed by … Wikipedia
List of Linux router or firewall distributions — This list contains Linux distributions or Unix distributions specifically designed to be used as the operating system of a machine acting as a router and/or a firewall.; [ BrazilFW] : BrazilFW is a Router/firewall… … Wikipedia