- Agnolo
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Agnolo — Agnolo, Baccio d A., aus Florenz, geb. 1460, Architekt, st. 1543; baute den Dom zu Florenz … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Agnolo — [ aȖɲolo], Baccio d , italienischer Baumeister, Baglioni … Universal-Lexikon
agnolo — v. angelo … Enciclopedia Italiana
Agnolo — Recorded in many forms including Angel, Angell, (English), Angell, Angeau (France), De Angelis, Di Angelo, D Angelo, De Angelo, Agnolo (Italy), Angel (Spain), Angelo (Portugese), and many others, this is a surname which is ultimately of Greek… … Surnames reference
Agnolo di Tura — Agnolo de Tura (14th Century) was a chronicler from Siena, Italy. He was also a shoemaker and taxcollector. He married a women named Nicoluccia, who was of a higher class than he was. Agnolo di Tura was determined to rise in the world (his wife… … Wikipedia
Agnolo, Giovanni, and Taddeo Gaddi — Agnolo, Giovanni, and Taddeo Gaddi † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Agnolo, Giovanni, and Taddeo Gaddi Florentine artists, Taddeo being the father of Agnolo and Giovanni. The dates of their birth are very uncertain. Taddeo was probably born… … Catholic encyclopedia
Agnolo Firenzuola — (eigentlich Michelangelo Girolamo Giovannini; * 28. September 1493 in Florenz; † 27. Juni 1543 in Prato) war ein italienischer Dichter. Sein Künstlername rührte vom Herkunftsort seiner Familie her, Firenzuola, einer kleinen Stadt am Fuße des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Agnolo Firenzuola — (28 September 1493 c. 1545) was an Italian poet and litterateur.BiographyAgnolo Firenzuola was born at Florence. The family name was taken from the town of Firenzuola, situated at the foot of the Apennines, its original home. The grandfather of… … Wikipedia
Agnolo Gaddi — (born c. 1350, active 1369 1396, died 1396) was an Italian painter. He was the son of the painter Taddeo Gaddi.His work includes frescoes in the choir of Santa Croce in Florence as well as:* [ bin/pimage?7+0+0 Madonna… … Wikipedia
Agnolo di Baccio d'Agnolo — Agnolo di Baccio d’Agnolo was a 16th century Italian architect. He built the Palazzo Campana in Villa Gaia, Tuscany … Wikipedia