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homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Fact, mot anglais pour un fait, peut faire référence à :
Le sigle FACT peut faire référence à :
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
fact — n [Latin factum deed, real happening, something done, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere to do, make] 1: something that has actual existence: a matter of objective reality 2: any of the circumstances of a case that exist or are… … Law dictionary
fact — W1S1 [fækt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(true information)¦ 2 the fact (that) 3 in (actual) fact 4 the fact (of the matter) is 5 the fact remains 6¦(real events/not a story)¦ 7 facts and figures 8 the facts speak for themselves 9 after the fact ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ … Dictionary of contemporary English
fact — [ fækt ] noun *** 1. ) count a piece of true information: They have simply attempted to state the facts. fact about: Here children can discover basic scientific facts about the world. fact of: He wrote an article explaining the main facts of the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fact — 1. The expression the fact that has long had an important function in enabling clauses to behave like nouns: • Some studies give attention to the fact that non smokers cannot avoid inhaling smoke when breathing smoky air G. Richardson, 1971 • The … Modern English usage
Fact — (f[a^]kt), n. [L. factum, fr. facere to make or do. Cf. {Feat}, {Affair}, {Benefit}, {Defect}, {Fashion}, and { fy}.] 1. A doing, making, or preparing. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] A project for the fact and vending Of a new kind of fucus, paint for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fact — [fakt] n. [L factum, that which is done, deed, fact, neut. pp. of facere, DO1] 1. a deed; act: now esp. in the sense of “a criminal deed” in the phrases after the fact and before the fact [an accessory after the fact] 2. a thing that has actually … English World dictionary
fact — ► NOUN 1) a thing that is indisputably the case. 2) (facts) information used as evidence or as part of a report. ● before (or after) the fact Cf. ↑before the fact ● a fact of life Cf. ↑a … English terms dictionary
Fact — 〈[ fæ̣kt] m. 6; umg.〉 Faktum, Tatsache ● das sind die Facts [engl.] * * * Fact [fækt ], der; s, s <meist Pl.> [engl. fact < lat. factum, ↑ 1Faktum]: Tatsache[nmaterial]. * * * FACT, Abkürzung für Flanagan Aptitude … Universal-Lexikon
FACT — may refer to:*Federation Against Copyright Theft *Federation of American Consumers and Travelers *FACT ( facilitates chromatin transcription ), a protein factor affecting eukaryotic cells *FACT centre (Foundation for Creative Arts Technology), a… … Wikipedia
Fact — [fækt] der; s, s (meist Plur.) <aus gleichbed. engl. fact, dies aus lat. factum, vgl. ↑Faktum> Tatsache, Tatsachenmaterial … Das große Fremdwörterbuch