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Eternity — eternity … Philosophy dictionary
Eternity — • Eternity is defined by Boetius (De Consol. Phil., V, vi) as possession, without succession and perfect, of interminable life Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Eternity Eternity … Catholic encyclopedia
Eternity — (engl. für Ewigkeit) bedeutet: ein Puzzle aus England, siehe Eternity Puzzle ein Album von Anathema, siehe Eternity (Anathema Album) ein Album von Freedom Call, siehe Eternity (Freedom Call Album) ein Album von Kamelot, siehe Eternity (Kamelot… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Eternity — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Eternity puede referirse a: Eternity, tercer álbum de la banda japonesa Every Little Thing. Eternity, tercer álbum de la banda británica Anathema. Eternity, primer álbum de la banda de power metal estadounidense… … Wikipedia Español
Eternity — E*ter ni*ty, n.; pl. {Eternities}. [F. [ e]ternit[ e], L. aeternitas, fr. aeternus. See {Etern}.] 1. Infinite duration, without beginning in the past or end in the future; also, duration without end in the future; endless time. [1913 Webster] The … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eternity — ► NOUN (pl. eternities) 1) infinite or unending time. 2) Theology endless life after death. 3) (an eternity) informal an undesirably long period of time … English terms dictionary
eternity — [ē tʉr′nə tē, itʉr′nə tē] n. pl. eternities [ME eternite < OFr eternité < L aeternitas] 1. the quality, state, or fact of being eternal; eternal existence or duration; continuance without end 2. infinite time; time without beginning or end… … English World dictionary
eternity — index perpetuity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
eternity — late 14c., from O.Fr. eternité (12c.), from L. aeternitatem (nom. aeternitas), from aeternus (see ETERNAL (Cf. eternal)). In the Mercian hymns, L. aeternum is glossed by O.E. ecnisse … Etymology dictionary
eternity — [n] forever aeon, afterlife, age, ages, blue moon*, dog’s age*, endlessness, endless time, everlastingness, forever and a day*, future, immortality, imperishability, infiniteness, infinitude, infinity, kingdom come*, other world*, perpetuity,… … New thesaurus
Eternity — For other uses, see Eternity (disambiguation). Eternity personified, holding the ourobouros. Caryatid in the apse of … Wikipedia