
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.


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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Ellen de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • Ellen — ist ein weiblicher Vorname. Herkunft und Bedeutung Der Name Ellen ist eine Kurzform von Eleonore oder eine englische Form von Helena. Bekannte Namensträgerinnen Ellen Arnhold (* 1961), deutsche Nachrichtensprecherin Ellen Barkin (* 1954), US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ellen — f English: originally a variant of HELEN (SEE Helen), although now no longer associated with that name. Initial H tended to be added and dropped rather capriciously, leading to many doublets (cf. e.g. ESTHER (SEE Esther) and Hester; ÉLOISE (SEE… …   First names dictionary

  • Ellen — fem. proper name, an older form of HELEN (Cf. Helen) (q.v.). Its popularity among U.S. birth names peaked in 1880s and 1940s …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ellen — [el′ən] n. a feminine name: dim. Ellie: see HELEN …   English World dictionary

  • Ellen — Infobox Given Name Revised name = Ellen imagesize = caption = pronunciation= gender = female meaning = region = origin = related names= footnotes = Ellen may refer to:* One of the shows starring Ellen DeGeneres ** Ellen (TV series) (aka These… …   Wikipedia

  • Ellen — /el euhn/, n. a female given name, form of Helen. Also, Ellin. * * * (as used in expressions) Glasgow Ellen Anderson Gholson Ochoa Ellen Stead Christina Ellen Stewart Ellen Terry Alice Ellen Muriel Ellen Deason White James Springer and Ellen… …   Universalium

  • Ellen — (as used in expressions) Glasgow, Ellen (Anderson Gholson) Stead, Christina (Ellen) Stewart, Ellen Terry, (Alice) Ellen Muriel Ellen Deason White, James (Springer) y Ellen (Gould) Ellen Gould Harmon Zwilich, Ellen Taaffe …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ellen — This unusual surname derives from the female personal name Ellen , which was the usual medieval English vernacular form of the given name Helen , from the Greek Helene , thought to be a derivative of Helane , torch, and often translated as the… …   Surnames reference

  • Ellen — englische Nebenform von → Helene (Bedeutung: die Glänzende); dänische Form von → Helene (Bedeutung: die Glänzende). Namensträgerin: Ellen Key, schwedische Reformpädagogin und Schriftstellerin …   Deutsch namen

  • ellen — 1. n ( es/ ), m ( es/ as) zeal, strength, power, vigor, valor, courage, fortitude; strife, contention; on ellen boldly; (always neuter in poetry); 2. n ( es/ ) elder tree; (a small tree whose branches are filled with a light spongy pith. The… …   Old to modern English dictionary

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