Edmund Whittaker
- Edmund Whittaker
Edmund Taylor Whittaker
Sir Edmund Taylor Whittaker né le 24 octobre 1873 et décédé le 24 mars 1956 était un mathématicien et historien des sciences britannique[1].
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Il est récipiendaire de la Médaille Copley.
Whittaker a contribué à la controverse sur la paternité de la relativité dans son livre Theory of Relativity of Poincaré and Lorentz ainsi que dans son livre de référence A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity (1954). Whittaker a crédité Henri Poincaré pour la formule E = mc².
- Whittaker, Edmund Taylor, A Course of Modern Analysis. 1902.
- Whittaker, Edmund Taylor, "On the partial differential equations of mathematical physics". Math. Ann., Vol. 57, 1903, p.333 - 355.
- Whittaker, Edmund Taylor, "On an expression of the electromagnetic field due to electrons by means of two scalar potential functions". Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. Series 2, Vol. 1, 1904, p. 367 - 372.
- Edmund Taylor Whittaker, 1. Edition : A History of the theories of aether and electricity, vol. 1, Longman, Green and Co., Dublin, 1910
- Whittaker, Edmund Taylor, "On the functions which are represented by the expansions of the interpolation theory," Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, Sec. A, vol.35, pp.181–194, 1915.
- Whittaker, Edmund Taylor, "On the quantum mechanism in the atom". Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., Vol. 42, 1922, p.129 - 146
- Whittaker, Edmund, "The Calculus of Observations: a treatise on numerical mathematics". 1924.
- Whittaker, Edmund, "A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies".1927.
- Whittaker, Edmund, "Space and Spirit. Theories of the Universe and the Arguments for the Existence of God". 1946.
- Whittaker, Edmund, "The beginning and End of the World" Oxford 1942.
- Whittaker, Edmund, "Eddington’s Principle in the philosophy of Science" Cambridge 1951.
- Edmund Taylor Whittaker, 2. Edition: A History of the theories of aether and electricity : The classical theories, vol. 1, Nelson, London, 1951-1953 (ISBN 0-486-26126-3)
- Edmund Taylor Whittaker, 2. Edition: A History of the theories of aether and electricity : The modern theories 1900-1926, vol. 2, Nelson, London, 1951-1953 (ISBN 0-486-26126-3)
- Whittaker, Edmund, "From Euclid to Eddington: A Study of Conceptions of the External World" Dover 1958.
Notes et références
- ↑ Encyclopedia Britannica (2005) Whittaker est nommé Chevalier de la Reine en 1945 et Whittaker excelled as a historian of science.
- Portail sur les sciences
Catégorie : Mathématicien britannique
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