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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article EIAJ de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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EIAJ-1 — EIAJ 1, developed by the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (in conjunction with several Japanese electronics manufacturers) in 1969, was the first standardized format for industrial/non broadcast videotape recorders (VTRs). It was… … Wikipedia
EIAJ connector — The EIAJ connector, more formally known as EIAJ RC 5320A, is a coaxial power connector or jack for small appliances. It is recognised by many consumers by the yellow tip (a yellow plastic insulator) at the end of the jack. It is also notable that … Wikipedia
EIAJ MTS — Bilingual and stereo sound television programs started being broadcast in Japan in October 1978 using a system developed by NHK Technical Research Labs. This system was modified and standardized by the EIAJ in January 1979. The original version M … Wikipedia
EIAJ — Electronic Industries Association of Japan (Community » Media) … Abbreviations dictionary
EIAJ — Electronic Industries Association of Japan … Acronyms
EIAJ — Electronic Industries Association of Japan … Acronyms von A bis Z
EIAJ — abbr. comp. Electronic Industries Association of Japan … Dictionary of English abbreviation
Coaxial power connector — Most common coaxial power connector, male and female, 5.5 x 2.5 mm … Wikipedia
Electronic Industries Association of Japan — Founded in 1948, the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ) was one of two Japanese electronics trade organizations that were merged into the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA).Prior to the… … Wikipedia
Small-outline integrated circuit — A small outline integrated circuit (SOIC) is a surface mounted integrated circuit (IC) package which occupies an area about 30 50% less than an equivalent DIP, with a typical thickness that is 70% less. They are generally available in the same… … Wikipedia