Double dutch
- Double dutch
Double Dutch
Le Double Dutch (nom anglais signifiant littéralement « double néerlandais ») est un sport basé sur le jeu de la corde à sauter. A la différence de cette dernière, il se pratique avec un minimum de trois personnes : deux personnes faisant tourner les cordes à chaque extrémité, et une personne effectuant diverses figures au centre.
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Portail du sport
Catégorie : Jeu d'adresse
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Double dutch de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Double Dutch — may refer to: Double Dutch (jump rope), a children s game Double Dutch, a language game primarily used in English: Tutnese Ubbi dubbi Izzle Double Dutch (writing style), a writing style used by John O Mill Double Dutch (album), a 2005 album by… … Wikipedia
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double Dutch — n. a children s game of jump rope in which two turners swing two ropes simultaneously in a crisscross pattern for the person jumping: also double dutch or Double Dutch or Double Dutch … English World dictionary
Double Dutch — gibberish, 1864 (High Dutch for incomprehensible language is recorded from 1789); from DOUBLE (Cf. double) + DUTCH (Cf. Dutch) … Etymology dictionary
double dutch — or ,double Dutch noun uncount INFORMAL 1. ) AMERICAN a game of SKIPPING rope (=jumping over a rope) in which two ropes are used at the same time 2. ) speech or writing that is impossible to understand … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
double dutch — (UK) If something is double Dutch, it is completely incomprehensible … The small dictionary of idiomes
double Dutch — UK / US or double Dutch UK / US noun [uncountable] informal speech or writing that is impossible to understand … English dictionary
double dutch — UK / US or double Dutch UK / US noun [uncountable] informal speech or writing that is impossible to understand … English dictionary
double-Dutch — n [U] 1.) BrE informal speech or writing that you cannot understand = ↑nonsense 2.) AmE a game in which one child jumps over two long ropes that are being swung around in a circle by other children … Dictionary of contemporary English
double Dutch — ► NOUN Brit. informal ▪ incomprehensible language … English terms dictionary