Direct FM
- Direct FM
D!rect FM
D!rect FM est la radio officielle du FC Metz diffusant en Lorraine sur la fréquence 92.8 FM.
La radio a été créée le 22 mai 2000 par Stéphane Leydecker originaire de Nancy, directeur de la station, en remplacement de Radio Metz FM. À ses débuts, il commente les matchs du Football Club de Metz, aujourd'hui Doriand a pris la relève et assure le commentaire de tous les matchs des grenats, en compagnie de consultants. Depuis maintenant neuf ans, D!rect FM est l'une des radios fétiche dans le cœur des Messins.
Quelques slogans de la radio : D!rect la proximité d'abord ! , premier dans le cœur des Messins !
Voir aussi
Liens externes
Portail de la radio
Catégories : Radio locale en Lorraine | Les Indépendants
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Direct FM de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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direct — di·rect 1 vt 1: to order with authority the testator direct ed that the car go to his niece 2: to order entry of (a verdict) without jury consideration the court direct ed a verdict in favor of the defendant 3: to act … Law dictionary
direct — DIRÉCT, Ă, direcţi, te, adj., s.f., adv. 1. adj. Care duce la ţintă, de a dreptul, fără ocol; drept. ♢ În linie directă = din tată în fiu, în linie dreaptă de rudenie. 2. s.f. Lovitură dată de un boxer cu mâna întinsă drept înainte. 3. adv. De a… … Dicționar Român
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direct — Ⅰ. direct UK US /dɪˈrekt/, /daɪˈrekt/ adjective ► without anyone or anything else being involved or coming between two people or things: »She decided to take direct control of the project. »He had had no direct involvement with the deal. »Have… … Financial and business terms
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Direct — Di*rect , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Directed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Directing}.] 1. To arrange in a direct or straight line, as against a mark, or towards a goal; to point; to aim; as, to direct an arrow or a piece of ordnance. [1913 Webster] 2. To point… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
direct — [də rekt′; ] also [ dīrekt′] adj. [ME < L directus, pp. of dirigere, to lay straight, direct < di , apart, from + regere, to keep straight, rule: see REGAL] 1. by the shortest way, without turning or stopping; not roundabout; not… … English World dictionary
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